Data labs
The OpenCoesione data labs are organized in the form of hackathon, Data Study Lab or seminars, representing training sessions dedicated to the analysis of the data published on the OpenCoesione portal.
The main objective of these initiatives are to increase awareness of the stakeholders (such as public servants of national and regional administrations, journalists, students) about the contents and information that can be created starting from the data on the projects published on the portal and also to edit specific outputs from data. This can support strengthening the data-driven analysis of the policies, providing food for thought.
National Evaluation System: Laboratorio WAVES 2022
The activity of the Advanced Workshop for Evaluation of Effects on Development (the acronym WAVES) is addressed at supporting the Managing Authorities of the 2014-2020 Programmes in the process of preparing the report summarizing the findings of evaluations carried out during the programming period and the main outputs and results of each of the Operational Programmes (according to the Article 114 of EU Reg. 1303/2013) that the MAs are required to submit to the European Commission by 31st December 2022.
On the following link are available work materials and toolkits (in Italian language).
Laboratori sugli Obiettivi di Policy 2021-2027
Il Laboratorio sulla conoscenza - LabOP - è un percorso laboratoriale collaborativo di supporto all’elaborazione dei Programmi 21-27 focalizzato sul quadro degli obiettivi da perseguire in termini di risultati e output. Le attività del LabOP ( sono state avviate nella seconda metà del 2021 nell’ambito del Sistema Nazionale di Valutazione della politica di coesione (SNV) e in collaborazione con la Rete dei Nuclei.
Nell’ambito del LabOP, OpenCoesione ha proposto attività laboratoriali volte a imparare dall’esperienza lavorando su dossier dedicati agli indicatori comuni FESR e FSE previsti dai Regolamenti comunitari nel ciclo di programmazione 2014-2020 e riconfermati nel periodo 2021-2027. I dossier sono stati proposti per tutti gli Obiettivi di policy, al netto dell’OP5 - un’Europa più vicina ai cittadini - data la novità che questo rappresenta in termini di indicatori rispetto al ciclo precedente.
National Evaluation System: Laboratories on the 2021-2027 Policy Objectives
The Knowledge Laboratory - LabOP - is a collaborative cycle of events aimed at supporting the development of Programmes 21-27 focused on the framework of the objectives to be pursued in terms of results and outputs. The activities of the LabOP were launched during the second half of 2021 as part of the National Cohesion Policy Evaluation System (SNV) and in collaboration with the Network of Nuclei.
In the context of the LabOP, OpenCoesione proposed laboratory activities aimed at learning from experience by working on dossiers dedicated to the common ERDF and ESF indicators provided for by European Regulations in the 2014-2020 programming period and reconfirmed in the 2021-2027 period. The dossiers were proposed for all the Policy Objectives.
PO 1: A Smarter Europe - Presentation PO1 on common indicators 1420 & 2127 | Download pdf (1.9 MB) |
Dossier PO1 on common indicators 1420 & 2127 | Download xls (11.2 KB) |
PO 2: A Greener Europe - Presentation PO2 on common indicators 1420 & 2127 | Download pdf (1.6 MB) |
Presentation PO2 - energy and circular economy on common indicators 1420 & 2127 | Download pdf (1.6 MB) |
Dossier PO2 on common indicators 1420 &2127 | Download xls (13.4 KB) |
PO 3: A more connected Europe - PO3 presentation on common indicators 1420 & 2127 | Download pdf (1.6 MB) |
Presentation on common urban mobility indicators 1420 & 2127 (PO2) | Download pdf (1.6 MB) |
Dossier PO3 on common indicators 1420 & 2127 | Download xls (10.5 KB) |
PO 4: A more social and inclusive Europe - Presentation PO4 on common indicators 1420 & 2127 | Download pdf (1.7 MB) |
Dossier PO4 on common indicators 1420 & 2127 | Download xls (14.5 KB) |
PO 5: A Europe closer to citizens - Presentation PO5 on on common indicators 1420 & 2127 | Download pdf (551.4 KB) |
Dossier PO5 on common indicators 1420 &2127 | Download lsx (10.1 KB) |
Data Study Lab on "Childhood Care Services" and "Waste Management"
The first Data Study Lab promoted by OpenCoesione took place on 4th - 5th February 2020 in Rome.
The event was addressed to the actors responsible for the evaluation of public cohesion policies, thus to the NOP / ROP Managing Authorities, to the technical units and to the representatives of the National Evaluation System, composed of by the Nucleus Network and by the evaluators working on improval of the planning and implementation of cohesion policy operations.
The working groups were two respectively dedicated to the above mentioned topics "Childhood" and "Waste".
The presentations are available in Italian language only.
DataStudyLab - Agenda | Download pdf (219.0 KB) |
DataStudyLab - Introduction | Download pdf (2.8 MB) |
DataStudyLab - Paper - Childhood 1 | Download pdf (771.2 KB) |
DataStudyLab - Paper - Childhood 2 | Download pdf (1.2 MB) |
DataStudyLab - Presentation - Waste | Download pdf (2.3 MB) |
Hackathon "Culture and cohesion spots"
On 2 and 3 October 2019 a team of students from the Master in Data Science at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" participated in the first hackathon pilot testing on OpenCoesione data, "Culture and cohesion spots".
The challenge proposed consisted in the integration of data related to museums, galleries, collections, areas and archaeological parks, monuments and monumental complexes - cataloged in the Istat dataset as a result of the survey conducted on museums and similar institutions - with the OpenCoesione dataset on the operations financed by the cohesion policies in the framework of the culture dedicated Focus.
The pilot hackathon has not foreseen the competition between teams, instead has brought together four young boys and two girls into a single Team committed to solving an automatic data linkage task on unstructured textual variables and was concluded after two intense days of work, with the presentation of an ad hoc algorithm developed for the comparison of textual strings composed on the one hand by title and description of the projects and on the other hand by the name of the single museum structure.
The presentations are available in Italian language only.
Hackathon Culture Cohesion - Agenda | Download pdf (274.8 KB) |
Hackathon Culture Cohesion - Presentation | Download pdf (937.9 KB) |
Hackathon Culture Cohesion - Paper | Download pdf (518.8 KB) |
Hackathon Culture Cohesion - Output | Download zip (11.0 MB) |
Infographic Lab
As part of the "Product Design Laboratory" of the University of San Marino-IUAV, students developed both static and dynamic visualization of projects based on the open data accessible from the OpenCoesione portal with aim to explore and test new modalities of representing the information and communicating of results.
The report on Civic Infographics is available in Italian language only.
Civic Infographics - Report | Download pdf (1.4 MB) |
Training seminar "Knowing cohesion policies for territorial development"
Training seminar "Knowing cohesion policies for territorial development" for the representatives of the Higher School of Administration of the Interior
The training seminar "Knowing cohesion policies for the development of the territories" took place in three different moments held during the 2013, respectively in July, October and December. The seminars were aimed at representatives of the Higher School of Administration of the Interior with the aim of increasing knowledge on open data, the reuse of open data starting from the OpenCoesione portal and encouraging the participation in the reuse of data.
The presentations are available in Italian language only.
Training seminar - Presentation - Cohesion policies, principles and most debated topics | Download pdf (326.6 KB) |
Training seminar - Presentation - The 2007-2013 programming period | Download pdf (3.1 MB) |
Training seminar - Presentation - The Action Plan for Cohesion | Download pdf (2.9 MB) |
Training seminar - Presentation - The 2014-2020 programming period | Download pdf (2.9 MB) |
Training seminar - Presentation - The Open Government strategy | Download pdf (2.6 MB) |
Training seminar - Presentation - The Structural Funds open data in Europe and in Italy | Download pdf (5.9 MB) |
Training seminar - Presentation - OpenCoesione encouraging participation | Download pdf (4.7 MB) |
Training seminar - Presentation - The local dimension in programming period 2014-2020 | Download pdf (212.0 KB) |
Training seminar - Presentation - Open Data | Download pdf (7.6 MB) |
Training seminar - Presentation - Storytelling with OpenCoesione data | Download pdf (1.6 MB) |
OpenCoesione Data Journalism Day - Salerno
The OpenCoesione Data Journalism Day of Salerno, organized in collaboration by the Department of Political, Social and Communication Sciences of the University of Salerno and the Department for Economic Development and Cohesion of the Ministry of Economic Development, took place on 22 February 2013 at the Fisciano Campus - School of Journalism of the University of Salerno.
The event was addressed to students and communication/information experts aimed at raising awareness about OpenCoesione portal and encouraging the use of the data relating to the projects, funding, places and actors involved in cohesion policies.
The working day was structured by an introductory part - tutorial open to the public on OpenCoesione data and explaing how to organize civic monitoring activities, followed by a guided "monithon" experience dedicated to a limited number of participants in the "Analysis of scripts for public communication" within the department of "Public communication and institutional languages".
Data Journalism Day Salerno - Agenda | Download pdf (61.7 KB) |
Data Journalism Day Salerno - Presentation- Introductory | Download pdf (1.2 MB) |
Data Journalism Day Salerno - Presentation - Monithon | Download pdf (388.3 KB) |
Data Journalism Day Salerno - Presentation - Data | Download pdf (1.3 MB) |
OpenCoesione Data Journalism Day - Rome
The OpenCoesione Data Journalism Day in Rome took place on 8 November 2012, organized and promoted by the Department for development and economic cohesion at its premises in Via Liguria, 26 - Rome.
The event was addressed to students, information experts, representatives of civil society associations, data visualization designers or bloggers, all interested in using data relating to projects, funding, places and actors involved in cohesion policies.
The working day was structured into two parts: the first of more informative approach aimed at illustrating the contents of the data available on OpenCoesione and explaining how to read and understand them, treat the codes and classifications, and find the information effectively. The second practical part was dedicated to the use of OpenCoesione data, also in connection with other sources that can be easily integrated for the purposes of analysis and storytelling through the preparation of infographics and maps.
The presentations are available in Italian language only.
Data Journalism Day Rome - Agenda | Download pdf (142.0 KB) |
Data Journalism Day Rome - Presentation - Cohesion Policies | Download pdf (353.4 KB) |
Data Journalism Day Rome - Presentation- Structural Funds open data | Download pdf (2.5 MB) |
Data Journalism Day Rome - Presentation - OpenCoesione Content | Download pdf (1.3 MB) |
Data Journalism Day Rome - Presentation - Research and use of OpenCoesione data | Download pdf (1.0 MB) |
Data Journalism Day Rome - Presentation - Data quality | Download pdf (570.9 KB) |
Data Journalism Day Rome - Presentation - Other open data and links with OpenCoesione | Download pdf (1.6 MB) |
Data Journalism Day Rome - Presentation - Production of maps with OpenCoesione data | Download pdf (1.6 MB) |
Data Journalism Day Rome - Presentation - Effective data visualization | Download pdf (493.5 KB) |