Reuse of data

The data published by OpenCoesione are representing the information base for analysis, visualizations, applications and research, that starting from the projects go all in detail on implementation of cohesion policies with aim to observe their impact on citizens and enterprises.

This page comprises documents, infographics and in-depth analysis  that are based on OpenCoesione available data. In addition have been quoted several articles published on the newspaper and international magazines, blogs and reports talking about OpenCoesione.

You can help us gather other experiences of re-using OpenCoesione data by contacting us in the page form.

01/10/2024 - 08/12/2024

AwareEU - infographics

All infographics published as part of the AwareEU (Achieve Wide Awareness of EU REsults) project are based on data from OpenCoesione and were created ‘by hand’ by Martina Pugliese, a data scientist with a background in physics.


Gender budget for the financial year 2022

With the 2022 final balance, the Report to Parliament on the State's gender balance has reached its seventh edition, illustrating, through a broad collection of data and specific thematic in-depth studies that are renewed year after year, an Italian reality in which situations of significant inequalities between men and women still persist, despite a context of recovery of numerous indicators that had shown strong deterioration during the most critical period of the Covid-19 pandemic.

One of the paragraphs of chapter 5 (the 5.4.1) is devoted to the contribution of the European Structural Funds, starting from the OpenCoesione data updated to 31 December 2022.

Gender Balance Report Download pdf (11.7 MB)

#mapparoma43 - Cohesion Policy in the Metropolitan City of Rome

This #mapparoma shows how cohesion policy intervenes in the unequal geography of the metropolitan city of Rome. It thus attempts to answer the following question: do interventions aimed at promoting territorial cohesion respond to existing spatial inequalities?

The map - elaborated on OpenCoesione data - is by Flavia Domitilla Carino, Mara Giua, Keti Lelo, Salvatore Monni, Federico Tomassi.

You can read it here


The XXVI edition of the Report on Italian Tourism

The XXVI edition of the Report on Italian Tourism, edited by the Institute for Research on Innovation and Development Services of the CNR, published in December 2023, analyses the trend of tourism in Italy in the period 2020-2022. Within the fourth chapter, dedicated to "Tourism Policies", two paragraphs that make use of OpenCoesione data are dedicated to tourism in cohesion policies and to tourism as a development opportunity for the country's internal areas.

RAPPORTO SUL TURISMO ITALIANO - parte IV "Politiche per il turismo" Download pdf (6.9 MB)
20/06/2023, Trento

Cooperation in Italy. Distinctive traits and development trajectories

The italian cooperative system is an important player in the national economy, with a significant role in the creation of value, income, employment and social cohesion. This Euricse Research Report offers an up-to-date analysis of this system, highlighting its economic, employment and social characteristics and using different data sources to provide a complete picture of the sector and its development potential. The fifth and sixth chapters of the Report examine the use of cohesion policy resources by cooperatives and their possible role in the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRP), reflecting on the sector's development prospects.

COOPERATION IN ITALY: Distinctive traits and development trajectories Download pdf (20.8 MB)
24/05/2023, Roma

The territorial dimension in cohesion policies. State of implementation and the role of municipalities in the 2014-2020 and 2021-2027 programming. Thirteenth edition - 2023

The thirteenth report produced by IFEL on the territorial dimension in cohesion policies updates and simultaneously renews the previous edition of the volume.

Part one is devoted entirely to the 2021-2027 programming cycle: Chapter 1 focuses on the available financial resources, while Chapter 2 deals with the territorial dimension of the new programming period.

Part two focuses on the 2014-2020 period: Chapter 1 provides an overview of the financial status of the EIS Funds at the European level and in Italy; Chapter 2 deals with the implementation of ERDF and ESF projects, with an in-depth analysis of the role played by municipalities as beneficiaries of the interventions; Chapter 3 deals with the territorial dimension of the 2014-2020 seven-year period in the light of reprogramming.

The report Download pdf (922.8 KB)
Summary Download pdf (300.7 KB)

Gender budget of the General State budget account report 2021

Gender budget of the General State budget account report 2021 (former article 38-septies of Law n.196 of 2009) was sent to Parliament and published on the website of the State General Accounting Office. The document aims to assess the different impact on women and men of funded policies, in terms of financial resources, services, time and unpaid work.

One of the paragraphs of the “Gender Budget” ("5.4.1 The contribution of the European Structural Funds 2014-2020", prepared by the NUVAP - Evaluation and Programming Analysis Unit starting from page 657) concerns the use of the resources of the European Structural Funds, and is developed starting from the data of the National Monitoring System published on the OpenCoesione portal.

Bilancio di genere per l'esercizio finanziario 2021 Download pdf (12.7 MB)

XV Report on Italian Tourism (2020-2022)

In January 2023 was published the XXV Edition 2020-2022 of the "Report on Italian tourism"edited by the Alessandra Marasco, Giulio Maggiore, Alfonso Morvillo, Emilio Becheri of the Research Institute on Innovation and Services for Development (IRISS) of the CNR.

The OpenCoesione data are the basis of two contributions relating to the fifth part of the Report, "Policies for tourism", coordinated by the Evaluation and Analysis Unit for Planning (NUVAP) of the Department of Cohesion Policies, Presidency of the Council of Ministers (DPCoe -PCM):

- chapter 5.1 "Tourism in european and national cohesion policies", edited by Anna ceci, Oriana Cuccu (coordination, elaboration and general editing of the text) in collaboration with Simona De Luca, Daniela Venanzi, Antonio Andreoli and Flora Salvatori (elaborations and data analysis of the OpenCoesione portal).

- chapter 5.3, "Tourism as an opportunity for development for the inland areas of the country", by Anna Ceci, Oriana Cuccu, Anna Misiani (coordination, elaboration and general editing of the text), with the contribution of Sabrina Lucatelli (NUVAP) and Maura Rianna (DPCoe).


The territorial dimension of cohesion policies - 12° report - IFEL

The twelfth Report produced by IFEL on the territorial dimension in cohesion policies updates and at the same time renews the previous edition of the volume.

The first part is entirely dedicated to the 2021-2027 programming period: Chapter 1 focuses on the financial resources available for Italy, while the Chapter 2 deals with the territorial dimension of the new programming.

The second part instead focuses on the period 2014-2020.

La dimensione territoriale nelle politiche di coesione. Stato d’attuazione e ruolo dei Comuni nella programmazione 2014-2020 e 2021-2027. Dodicesima edizione – 2022 Download pdf (1.2 MB)

Cooperatives and cohesion: a leverage for development

The report focuses on Italian cooperative enterprises that play an important role in the Italian economy and analyzes the distribution and amount of resources they receive as beneficiaries of European structural and investment funds in Italy. The statistical analyis are processed by the Confederation of Italian Cooperatives with the use of OpenCoesione data with final aim to identify the overall contribution and impact of cohesion policy to the cooperative economy.

Cooperative e coesione: una leva per lo sviluppo Download pdf (2.6 MB)

Inclusive Europe: the impact of the EU Cohesion Policy on immigrants’ economic integration in Italy

Analysing the impact of Cohesion Policy on the economic integration of immigrants, this study paper - published in the Journal of Policy Modeling - provides evidence on how the European Union promotes inclusion. Focusing on Italian municipalities, the authors - Mara Giua, Rezart Hoxhaj and Eleonora Pierucci - estimate the causal effects of immigrant-related projects on the wage gap between residents and immigrants in the period 2007-2018, finding a significant decrease in the average wage gap of about 7.6%. In particular, cohesion policy has played a positive role in the economic inclusion of immigrants by the means of interventions aimed at supporting employment and labor mobility. For the inclusive dimension of the EU Next Generation programme, this is a fundamental test to start with.


The territorial dimension of cohesion policies - 11° report - IFEL

Eleventh edition of the IFEL Report - State of implementation and role of Municipalities in the programming period 2014-2020 - dedicated to local finance and cohesion policies. The paper provides an overview of the financial progress of the 2014-2020 ESI Funds at European level and in Italy. Specific analysis are dedicated to complementary programming, to the reprogramming of the funds related to the 2014-2020 programming period in response to the Covid-19 emergency.

La dimensione territoriale nelle politiche di coesione. Undicesima edizione 2021 Download pdf (2.0 MB)

Gender budget of the General State budget account report 2020

Gender budget of the General State budget account report 2020 (pursuant to article 38-septies of Law 196 of 2009) was sent to Parliament and published on the website of the State General Accounting Office. The document aims to assess the different impact of funded policies on women and men, in terms of monetary resources, services, time and unpaid work.

One of the paragraphs of the “Gender Budget” ("5.4.1 The contribution of the European Structural Funds 2014-2020", prepared by the Evaluation and Programming Analysis Unit starting from page 564) concerns the use of the resources of the European Structural Funds, and is drawn up starting from the data of the National Monitoring System published on the OpenCoesione portal.

Bilancio di genere per l'esercizio finanziario 2020 Download pdf (11.3 MB)
01/10/2021, Roma

Use of assets confiscated from organized crime

The OpenCoesione data are used as part of an ISTAT pilot research project on the evaluation of anti-mafia policies and the reuse of assets confiscated from organized crime. This research involved the Region Apulia and Sicily  with the aim of designing information bases for the analysis and evaluation of anti-mafia policies, in supporting the territorial governance.

L'uso dei beni confiscati alla criminalità organizzata Download pdf (4.2 MB)
09/05/2021, Milano

XXIV Report on Italian Tourism (2019-2020)

On 9th May 2021, the XXIV "Report on Italian tourism" (downloadable for the first time free of charge) was presented in Milan, as part of the International Tourism Exchange (BIT), edited by the Research Institute on Innovation and Services for Development (IRISS) of the CNR. The OpenCoesione data are the basis of two contributions relating to the fifth part of the Report, "Policies for tourism", coordinated by the Evaluation and Analysis Unit for Planning (NUVAP) of the Department of Cohesion Policies, Presidency of the Council of Ministers (DPCOE -PCM):

- chapter 5.1 "Tourism in european and national cohesion policies", edited by Oriana Cuccu and Anna Misiani (coordination, elaboration and general editing of the text) with Simona De Luca (NUVAP members), Daniela Venanzi and Antonio Andreoli of the OpenCoesione team;

- chapter 5.3, "Tourism as an opportunity for development for the inland areas of the country", by Anna Ceci, Oriana Cuccu, Anna Misiani and Sabrina Lucatelli (NUVAP members), with the contribution of Susanna Costantini, Antonio Profeta, Maura Rianna (Internal Areas Technical Committee - DPCoe), Daniela Venanzi and Maria Flora Salvatori of the OpenCoesione team.

It is possible to download the presentation of the section V of the Report to the BIT prepared by Oriana Cuccu.

Presentation NUVAP section V of the Tourism Report 2019-2020 Download pdf (850.3 KB)
Tourism in european and national cohesion policies Download pdf (1.2 MB)
Tourism as a development opportunity for the internal areas of the country Download pdf (2.0 MB)
16/04/2021, Roma

Monithon Project Finder

"Monithon Project Finder" is an online platform created by Monithon in collaboration with the designers and developers of Sheldon Studio, starting from the open data published by OpenCoesione: it helps to locate projects financed in the environmental field by European funds in the 2014-2020 programming cycle.

It is an interactive map that makes it possible to locate the projects financed city by city, neighbourhood by neighbourhood. More than 7,000 projects are represented, representing a value of around €8.9 billion. Projects financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the 2014-2020 programming cycle are considered, including in the "perimeter" the projects classified by OpenCoesione in the following "synthetic themes": Environment, Energy, Culture and Tourism. The data is updated to 31 December 2020.


What does the cohesion policy for the culture? A focus on museums

The AgCult portal dedicates an in-depth study to the new utility of the OpenCoesione portal aimed at raising knowledge, enable analysis and evaluate fifteen years of investments in museums. The analysis is performed by Anna Misiani, archaeologist and since 2016 a member of the Evaluation and Analysis Unit for Programming (NUVAP) of the Cohesion Policies Department of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers


The territorial dimension of cohesion policies - 10° report - IFEL

Tenth edition of the IFEL Report - State of implementation and role of Municipalities in the programming period 2014-2020 - dedicated to local finance and cohesion policies. The paper provides an overview of the financial progress of the 2014-2020 ESI Funds at European level and in Italy. Specific analysis are dedicated to complementary programming, to the interventions aimed at strengthening the PAs involved in the implementation of the Operational Programs and to the reprogramming of the funds related to the 2014-2020 programming period in response to the Covid-19 emergency.

La dimensione territoriale nelle politiche di coesione. Decima edizione 2020 Download pdf (2.2 MB)

The gender balance. State budget account 2019

The "Gender Budget" was the subject of a hearing on Tuesday 20 October 2020 by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Economy and Finance Maria Cecilia Guerra, addressed at the joint Presidency Offices of the Budget Commissions of the Senate of the Republic and the Chamber of Deputies.

From page 464 the paragraph "5.4.1 The contribution of the European structural funds 2014-2020", was drawn up using the data of OpenCoesione.

The Gender Report provides, among others, a monitoring of gender gaps in the economy and society; a monitoring of the existing gaps in the personnel of the central state administrations and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

Bilancio di genere 2019. Relazione al Parlamento Download pdf (11.5 MB)

The territorial dimension of cohesion policies - 9° report - IFEL

The ninth Report prepared by IFEL on the territorial dimension of cohesion policies immediately provides the financial progress framework of the 2014-2020 ESI Funds at European level and in Italy, with specific analysis dedicated to complementary programmes and development pacts. 
The Report also deals with the future of cohesion policy for 2021-2027 in terms of funds allocated, as well as in terms of the new programming preparation, with reference to the strategies dedicated to territorial and urban development.

La dimensione territoriale nelle politiche di coesione: nona edizione Download pdf (1.1 MB)