Reuse of data

The data published by OpenCoesione are representing the information base for analysis, visualizations, applications and research, that starting from the projects go all in detail on implementation of cohesion policies with aim to observe their impact on citizens and enterprises.

This page comprises documents, infographics and in-depth analysis  that are based on OpenCoesione available data. In addition have been quoted several articles published on the newspaper and international magazines, blogs and reports talking about OpenCoesione.

You can help us gather other experiences of re-using OpenCoesione data by contacting us in the page form.


Italian Tourism Report

The OpenCoesione data are the baseline for one of the chapters of the "XXII Italian Tourism Report", published in December 2018 by the Research Institute on Innovation and Services for Development (IRISS) of the National Research Council.

In particular, the chapter 5.1 "Tourism in EU cohesion policies and in national policies", edited by Oriana Cuccu, Simona De Luca, Anna Misiani, Antonio Andreoli and Mara Guia.

Il turismo nelle politiche di coesione comunitarie e nazionali Download pdf (629.5 KB)

The territorial dimension of cohesion policies - 8° report - IFEL

The eight report prepared by IFEL on the territorial dimension of cohesion policies immediately provides the financial progress framework of the 2014-2020 ESI Funds at European level and in Italy, with specific analysis dedicated to complementary programmes and development pacts. 
The territorial dimension of cohesion policy is being considered both by the means of an analysis of the ERDF and ESF 2014-2020 projects carried out by the Municipalities in the role of beneficiaries, and by the means of an overview of the state of the art of the implementation of regional urban agendas in Italy and the National Strategy of Internal Areas. 

The Report also deals with the budget proposal of the European Union for 2021-2027 and compares the current programming period setting with that of the upcoming seven years period, also with reference to strategies dedicated to cities and territories.

Finally, with the support of Regional Public Accounts System, the issue of additionality of EU funds is addressed in a specific Focus relating to public spending and funds allocated for the Southern territories.

La dimensione territoriale nelle politiche di coesione: ottava edizione Download pdf (866.9 KB)

Economy of the Culture

Quarterly magazine of the Association for the Economy of Culture 4/2018, starting from pages 491-508 (DOI: 10.1446 / 92244), provides a factual and counterfactual analysis on tourist attraction and on the effectiveness of cultural valorization policies in Apulia.

It is possible to read the brief introduction and to purchase the article written by Raffaele Colaizzo, Marco Letta, Pierluigi Montalbano at the following link

Versione pre-print: Analisi fattuale e controfattuale dell’efficacia delle politiche di valorizzazione culturale per l’attrazione turistica: il caso Puglia Download pdf (873.2 KB)

Working Paper of the Bank of Italy, Discussion topic, N. 1180

The paper investigates the relationship between public transfers and white collar crimes at the local level. The transfer of a large amount of financial resources from a central level of government can reduce the accountability of local administrators and create incentives for them to grab rents. The analysis draws on data from the EU structural funds to Southern Italy between 2007 and 2014.

The report estimates a positive correlation between the amount of EU funds and the number of white collar crimes in the recipient municipality: a 10% increase in the amount of funds is correlated with a 0.4% increase in the number of white collar crimes. While this estimate may be partially biased, a number of robustness checks support a possible causal interpretation of the results. Hence the importance of a policy of strict control over the assignment, disbursement and management of the funds.

The document is prepared by Ilaria De Angelis, Guido de Blasio and Lucia Rizzica.

No. 1180 - On the unintended effects of public transfers: evidence from EU funding to Southern Italy Download pdf (657.8 KB)

Italian Tourism Report

The OpenCoesione data are the baseline for one of the chapters of the "XXI Italian Tourism Report", published in December 2017 by the Research Institute on Innovation and Services for Development (IRISS) of the National Research Council.

In particular, the chapter 5.1 "Tourism in EU cohesion policies and in national policies", edited by Oriana Cuccu, Simona De Luca, Anna Misiani, Carlo Amati, Antonio Andreoli, Federica Di Piazza, Sara Gaudino and Tecla Livi.

Il turismo nelle politiche di coesione comunitarie e nazionali Download pdf (733.6 KB)

Regional Factsheets of the Agency for Territorial Cohesion

The Agency for Territorial Cohesion makes available the publications related to the topics of strategic interest and in line with the objectives pursued by the Agency itself.
In particular, the socio-economic analysis of the Italian territory and the analysis of cohesion policies' funds are provided through the publication of the 2017 Regional Factsheets available at the following link [in Italian language only].


The territorial dimension of cohesion policies - 7° report - IFEL

The seventh report prepared by IFEL on the territorial dimension of cohesion policies in its first part provides the analysis of the data related to the certification of the 2007-2013 programming period, with particular attention to the involvement of the municipalities in the role of implementers of ERDF, ESF and FSC funded projects.

The second part provides an overview of the financial progress of the 2014-2020 ESI Funds at European level and in Italy. Specific analyzes are dedicated to complementary programmes and the implementation of regional urban Agendas in Italy and the National Strategy of Internal Areas.

Finally, with the support of Regional Public Accounts System, the issue of additionality of EU funds is addressed in a specific Focus relating to public spending and funds allocated for the Southern territories.

La dimensione territoriale nelle politiche di coesione: settima edizione Download pdf (1.0 MB)

SVIMEZ notebook - nr. special 47

The SVIMEZ notebook - nr. special 47, curated by Manin Carabba, Riccardo Padovani and Laura Polverari, is entitled "Cohesion policies in Europe between austerity and new challenges".

In this number of the SVIMEZ notebooks are reproduced the texts of the reports and interventions presented by the various experts and speakers of the Seminar "Cohesion policies in Europe between austerity and new challenges" that took place in March 31, 2016 at the SVIMEZ Library in Rome.

Quaderni SVIMEZ - Numero Speciale 47 Download pdf (2.9 MB)

Paper published in European Journal of Spatial Development

Multi-level Territorial Governance and Cohesion Policy. Structural Funds and the Timing of Development in Palermo and the Italian Mezzogiorno, article prepared by Simone Tulumello and published on European Journal of Spatial Development, explores the role of changing arrangements of multi-level territorial governance in the European Cohesion Policy.

It hypothesises the existence of a temporal duality between successful / unsuccessful phases of Cohesion Policy between the 1990s and 2000s, that is, a structural change in the implementation of Structural Funds stemming from the reforms at the turn of the millennium

The article seeks to understand the implications of such a duality using case study analysis, with the theoretical aim of exploring in-depth the connections between the European and the local scale. It analyses in the long term (1994-2013) the use of Structural Funds for urban development in a specific context, the city of Palermo in the Objective 1 region of Sicily, under-explored by international literature.

Multi-level Territorial Governance and Cohesion Policy: Structural Funds and the Timing of Development in Palermo and the Italian Mezzogiorno Download pdf (549.3 KB)

Data and research Welforum publishes an analysis carried out and aimed at highlighting the calls for proposals and opportunities financed by the structural funds from 2015 to September 2017 on the social inclusion topics.

Chiara Crepaldi, the author of the article Social inclusion and structural funds: Calls for proposals and funding opportunities: an analysis of Open Cohesion, starts from the data available in the database on the Open Coesione portal which is updated daily and is filtered by type of fund , date of publication and closure, object, amount, theme, type of beneficiaries and accompanied by a link that refers to the page of the site of the managing authority of the fund and the relative notice.

An analysis focused on territorial dimention allows to identify the regions that have published the highest number of calls and allocated the highest amount of funds.


The territorial dimension of cohesion policies - 6° report - IFEL

The sixth report prepared by IFEL on the territorial dimension of cohesion policies provides an update on the previous edition of the document.

The first part is dedicated to the new 2014-2020 programming period, while the second part provides an in-depth analysis on the 2007-2013 programming period in the current closure phase.
In addition, this year's edition addresses the issue of additionality of EU resources in a specific Focus relating to public spending and funds allocated for the South.

La dimensione territoriale nelle politiche di coesione: sesta edizione Download pdf (1.9 MB)

Paper published in Electronic Government EGOV 2016

Open Government Data Ecosystems: Linking Transparency for Innovation with Transparency for Participation and Accountability,  prepared by Luigi Reggi e Sharon Dawes, is a name of the document published on the website of the University of Albany New York, which deals with the issue of the open public data ecosystem and their potential connection with economic and social innovation, civic participation, public-private collaboration, and public accountability

Through an exploratory case study the intention is to show how two related cycles of influences can flow from open data publication. The first addresses transparency for innovation goals, the second addresses larger issues of data use for public engagement and greater government accountability. Together they help explain the potential and also the barriers to reaching both kinds of goals.

Open Government Data Ecosystems: Linking Transparency for Innovation with Transparency for Participation and Accountability Download pdf (396.6 KB)

Italian Tourism Report

The "XX Italian Tourism Report", prepared by Turistica - New Mercury Tourism Consulting and by the CNR Research Institute on Innovation and Services for Development (IRISS) is published in July 2016 by the National Tourism Observatory.

In particular, OpenCoesione data are the baseline of one of the chapters Tourism in cohesion policy: from 2007-2013 to 2014-2020, edited by Maria Rosa Basile, Oriana Cuccu and Simona De Luca

Il turismo nella politica di coesione: dal 2007-2013 al 2014-2020 Download pdf (916.0 KB)

Study of the EU Parliament Europeo on transparency and accessibility of the EU Funds

Policy Department on Budgetary Affairs of the European Parliament publishes the study "How the EU and Member States manage data transparency and accessibility on EU funds".

The objective of this study is to identify factors that impact on transparency and accessibility in the EU and its Member States. Cases studies with reference to shared management have been carried out in Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy and Poland. A variety of funds in direct and indirect management as well as the European Development Fund are also part of the research. The periods under scrutiny are the Multiannual Financial Frameworks (MFF) 2007 – 2013 and in particular 2014 - 2020.Finally, the study concludes with evidence-based policy recommendations which can allow further data transparency and accessibility.


How the EU & MS manage data transparency and the accessibility on EU funds Download pdf (2.3 MB)

Working Paper of the Bank of Italy, Discussion topic, N. 1029

European structural funds during the crisis: evidence from Southern Italy investigates the effectiveness of European Structural Funds in relation to employment, population and house prices in 325 Local Labor Markets (LLM) located in Southern Italy. 

The variability in disbursements between 2007 and 2013 is being exploited and estimated the impact of the interventions by allowing for LLM-specific fixed features and LLM-specific time trends. 

The document is prepared by Emanuele Ciani e Guido de Blasio.

N. 1029 - European structural funds during the crisis: evidence from Southern Italy Download pdf (1.4 MB)

The territorial dimension of cohesion policies - 5° report - IFEL

The fifth report prepared by IFEL on the territorial dimension of cohesion policies provides an update on the previous edition of the document.

The main novelty is represented in a clear distinction in the structure of the document, dedicating the first part to the new programming period 2014-2020 and the second part to the seven-year period 2007-2013 in the conclusion phase.

La dimensione territoriale nelle politiche di coesione: quinta edizione Download pdf (589.2 KB)

Gender policies financed with the European Structural Funds

Marianna Cosseddu has edited this document relating to gender policies financed with the European Structural Funds.
For developing this document have been used the data available on OpenCoesione updated to 30 April 2014. The infographic - originally published by ItaliaLavoro, today Anpal Servizi - is visible at the following link


L’economia delle regioni italiane. Dinamiche recenti e aspetti strutturali

La collana Economie regionali di Banca d'Italia contiene analisi sulle principali articolazioni territoriali (regioni e macroaree) dell'economia italiana.

L’economia delle regioni italiane. Dinamiche recenti e aspetti strutturali Download pdf (6.1 MB)

Fondi Ue, i soldi spesi: tutti i grafici di Openpolis

Un esempio di data journalism, che utilizza i dati di OpenCoesione per raccontare i fondi europei e la capacità di spesa del nostro Paese. A cura di Openpolis, sono stati pubblicati da la Repubblica


Civic Infographics

La relazione "Civic Infographics" è stata realizzata dagli studenti del "Laboratorio di design del prodotto", del corso di laurea in Design dell'Università di San Martino-IUAV.