Briefs, Data Cards and Windows

This section includes:

- OpenCoesione briefs: providing information and food for thought on cohesion policies and specific aspects related to ongoing projects, as well as updates to published data.

- Data Cards: a selection of projects dedicated to specific issues or events for the purpose of highlighting the contribution made by cohesion policies, while promoting the initiatives financed and related content in a clear manner supported by charts and figures.


Data Card - Confiscated assets, cohesion policies and the NPRR

On 21st March 2022 is celebrated the "National Day of Remembrance and Commitment in memory of all victims of mafia", established by law dated 8th March 2017.This year the anniversary is celebrated while the public Call for the presentation of projects for the enhancement of confiscated assets funded by the European Union in the framework of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, is open (until March 31), as part of the Next Generation EU initiative. OpenCoesione published a Data Card dedicated to projects financed by cohesion policies also as part of the "National strategy for the enhancement of assets confiscated through cohesion policies".


Data Card - Cohesion policy and waste. Composting plants to reduce unsorted waste

On the occasion of the 2021 edition of the European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR), scheduled between 20 and 28 November, and endorsed among others by the EU Commission and the CoR, OpenCoesione is editing a Data Card focused on cohesion policy investments to strengthen the plants for the waste organic fraction management, financing the construction or revamping of plants for the production of compost, biogas and biomethane.

The projects chosen are almost exclusively located in the southern regions and in particular 3 in Sardinia Region, which - thanks also to the cohesion policies - in the period of the last two programming periods has achieved a significant increase in the % of organic waste intercepted and treated efficiently, no longer disposing them in the landfills or thermoelectric plants based on incineration.


Data Card: Cohesion policy and audiovisual heritage

October 27 is World Audiovisual Heritage Day, established in 2005, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Recommendation for the Safeguarding of Moving Images by the General Conference of UNESCO.
In 2021, the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage theme is "Your Window to the World". This definition fits audiovisual materials which, as objects of documentary heritage, provide a window from which to observe events that we cannot witness, we listen to voices from the past that can no longer speak and we create stories that inform and entertain.

After having dedicated a Data Card in 2020 to cohesion policies and cinema, or to the creation and production of films and film-TVs and the digitization of cinemas, this year OpenCoesione explores other types of projects relating to the audiovisual heritage.


Data Card - Inclusive tourism and cohesion policies

Le Nazioni Unite hanno deciso di dedicare il World Tourism Day 2021 - che si celebra il 27 settembre - al “turismo per una crescita inclusiva”. Il 2020 e il 2021 rappresentano due anni senza precedenti per l’industria del turismo. La pandemia di COVID-19 ha avuto un enorme impatto sociale ed economico, che ha colpito le economie sviluppate e quelle in via di sviluppo. In Italia le politiche di coesione nazionali e comunitarie hanno offerto ingenti risorse e ampie opportunità per promuovere l'attrattività turistica del Paese. L’analisi degli investimenti effettuati nei cicli di programmazione 2007-2013 e 2014-2020, indica tre principali ambiti tematici di intervento indirizzati alla valorizzazione delle dotazioni di capitale naturale e culturale territoriale e al potenziamento della capacità di accogliere il turista, anche nelle aree interne del Paese. La Data Card è dedicata a questi progetti di "turismo inclusivo".


Data Card - Cohesion policies in the Mediterranean Sea

The International Day of the Mediterranean Sea is celebrated on 8 July: it represents an opportunity to raise awareness of the state of health of what the Romans called Mare Nostrum and the dangers that threaten it. On this occasion, OpenCoesione dedicates a Data Card to describe the projects of cohesion policies for the Mediterranean.


Data Card – Cycling mobility in projects monitored by the ASOC2021 team

The 3rd of June is World Bicycle Day, established by the United Nations to celebrate the “uniqueness, longevity and versatility of the bicycle”, which is used all nations. In 2021, the awards ceremony for the 20-21 edition of At the School of OpenCohesion (ASOC) is to be held on 4 June, so OpenCoesione has chosen to dedicate a data card to cycling-related projects that have been the subject of civic monitoring by teams of students who took part in the ASOC educational programme.

We have focused our attention on 5 projects promoting urban mobility and cycle tourism in the Italian regions of Lombardy, Veneto (2), Umbria and Sicily. 


Data Card - Cohesion policies and landfills

Cohesion policies are participating in the Italian government's effort to clean up landfills that are subject or potentially subject to EU infringement procedures. In particular, resources from the Fund for Development and Cohesion (FSC) are financing interventions to secure and adapt sites affected by the presence of waste causing environmental damage.
OpenCoesione dedicates a DataCard to the issue of landfills: 38 interventions related to the securing of 36 landfills subject to infringement procedures are monitored on the portal: since 2017, the resolution of environmental problems related to these sites is entrusted to an Extraordinary Commissioner.
The total public cost for the 38 projects is EUR 50.25 million and the progress of the activities involves payments of EUR 17.92 million at 31 December 2020.


Data Card - Cohesion policies and confiscated assets

Twenty-five years ago, on 21 March 1996, the 'Day of Memory and Commitment in Remembrance of All Victims of the Mafias', promoted by the association Libera, was celebrated for the first time in Rome, in the Campidoglio square. In March 2017, a bill was passed establishing and recognising the same date as a national day.

This year, 21 March, is the occasion for OpenCoesione to take stock with a Data Card on cohesion policy initiatives concerning the re-use of confiscated assets, starting with the "National strategy for the valorisation of confiscated assets through cohesion policies". As of 31 December 2020, 415 projects with a net public funding of EUR 273.21 million are monitored on the portal.


Data Card - Cohesion policy investments in museums

OpenCoesione dedicates a DataCard to the investments of cohesion policies on museums and similar institutions, financed by European structural funds and the national Development and Cohesion Fund, starting from the data linkage activity that led to data match of the operations of the focus "Culture" (updated to 30th June 2020) with the repository of the 4,908 museums, galleries, collections, archaeological areas and parks, monuments and monumental complexes (state and non-state) detected by Istat with reference to 2018. The results of the matching are: 1,195 projects - both infrastructural and intangible - for a cost of about 1.76 billion euros (equal respectively to 11% of the projects and 23% of the investments recorded in the field of Culture at the reference date). A total of 653 institutions are involved, 7 of which are the protagonists of the stories described in this Data Card.


Data Card - Biomass, At the School of OpenCohesion & AzzerCO2

On February 16, 2005, the Kyoto Protocol entered into force, the first global agreement to combat climate change. It was published in December 1997, as part of the 3rd meeting of the United Nations Conference of the Parties on the climate (UNFCCC) and became operational following the signature made by 55 countries. On the occasion of the anniversary, OpenCoesione is publishing a Data Card dedicated at highlighting the result of the partnership signed in November 2019 with AzzeroCO2, an organization that promotes environmental awareness campaigns, and focuses on several projects financed by cohesion policy and related to the energy production from biomass.