Briefs, Data Cards and Windows

This section includes:

- OpenCoesione briefs: providing information and food for thought on cohesion policies and specific aspects related to ongoing projects, as well as updates to published data.

- Data Cards: a selection of projects dedicated to specific issues or events for the purpose of highlighting the contribution made by cohesion policies, while promoting the initiatives financed and related content in a clear manner supported by charts and figures.


Data Card - World Population Day and Cohesion Policies

On July 11, 1987, the world population reached 5 billion people for the first time. Since 1989, two years later, by decision of the United Nations, this day has been commemorated as World Population Day and celebrated since 1990 in over 90 countries.

On the occasion of World Population Day 2024, OpenCoesione is publishing a Data Card that illustrates some projects financed by cohesion policy in Italy to harmonize economic development and reduce inequalities related to ongoing demographic changes.


Data Card - Cohesion policies for a more efficient public service

June 23rd is the United Nations Public Service Day, established in 2002 by General Assembly Resolution A/RES/57/277 with the aim to “celebrate the value and virtue of community service”. The Day objective is to highlight the contribution of public service to the development process, recognize the work of public servants and encourage young people to pursue careers in the public sector.

On the occasion of the UN Public Service Day 2024, OpenCoesione publishes a Data Card to demonstrate how the public administrations in Italy, also with the support of cohesion policy, are a fundamental actors for "promoting innovation among global challenges", which is the dedicated theme of the UN Forum on Public Service 2024, scheduled from 24 to 26 June in the Republic of Korea.


Data Card - Cohesion policy and research on multiple sclerosis

Una diagnosi precoce è fondamentale per permettere di affrontare meglio la malattia. La politica di coesione supporta la ricerca medica e scientifica impegnata in questo ambito, attraverso numerosi progetti finalizzati a garantire una migliore qualità di vita per i malati di sclerosi multipla. Cinque vengono raccontati in occasione del World MS Day del 30 maggio


Data Card - Cohesion policy and skills development

The European Year of Skills, promoted by the European Commission and running until May 2024, aims to strengthen the capacity of Member States' citizens to participate in the labour market and give new impetus to the achievement of the EU's social objectives for 2030, which call for the involvement of at least 60% of adults in training activities and employment for at least 78% of the adult population. The Data Card describes 5 projects related to the acquisition of digital skills but also to upskilling and reskilling, i.e. aimed at those individuals in search of new opportunities, through training courses capable of bringing into the present professional skills that may have been developed in the past. Focus also on the National Operational Programme Youth Employment Initiative, for combating youth unemployment in the 2014-2020 programming cycle.


Data Card - #PONGOV, a series of innovation and cohesion paths

The NOP ERDF ESF GOVERNANCE AND INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY 2014 – 2020, the #pongov, has financed and made possible in Italy a series of innovation and cohesion paths that have seen about 100 administrations as protagonists, with the aim of accompanying the growth of a PA that is more efficient, effective and close to territories, citizens and enterprises. On the occasion of the #pongovexpo on 19 March 2024, the event that represents the final stage of the programme's activities, OpenCoesione dedicates it in a Data Card, starting from 6 projects.


Data Card - Cohesion policies and wetlands

The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, signed in Ramsar (Iran) on 2 February 1971, recognizes “the interdependence of man and his environment”. These are the elements that, from 2022, the United Nations will also celebrate on World Wetlands Day, to underline the importance of the Convention. Even cohesion policy is caring about the conservation of wetlands and promotes knowledge of them, by financing projects relating to multiple themes, Environment, Culture and tourism, Transport and mobility.


Data Card - Cohesion, science and our future

On November 10, the United Nations celebrates World Science Day for Peace and Development. Proclaimed in 2001 by UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), it aims to highlight the significant role of science for the development of society and the need to involve a wider public in debates on emerging scientific issues. On the occasion, OpenCoesione publishes a Data Card focused on projects financed by the european cohesion policy Programme PON FESR ESF RESEARCH AND INNOVATION.


Data Card - Cohesion policies, water & agriculture

“Water is life, water nourishes us” is the message that the FAO, the United Nations food and agriculture organisation, has chosen to associate with World Food Day 2023, 16 October 2023. Cohesion policy, particularly in the 2014-2020 cycle, has financed projects to reduce waste and use water more efficiently in agriculture. In particular, it intervened to support research aimed at innovation, in the scientific and entrepreneurial fields, as well as supporting interventions to improve infrastructures to support irrigation. Some of the projects are described in this Data Card.


Data Card - Cohesion Policies for Italy plastic free

OpenCoesione dedicates a Data Card to some specific interventions of the cohesion policy for the reduction of plastic production and plastic waste in the environment on the occasion of the Plastic Free July® initiative, promoted by the Plastic Free Foundation, which works to realize the vision of a world free from plastic waste. As of 2022, it has affected over 140 million people worldwide.
Over the last few years, the European Commission has developed an action strategy on plastics, part of the circular economy package. A key element is Directive (EU) 2019/904 on reducing the impact of certain plastic products on the environment. It's time to act, because the forecasts to 2060 contained in the OECD's Global Plastic Outlook highlight that global plastic use is expected to almost triple compared to 2019 levels.