Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2023


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Employment and labour 4195608
Transport and mobility 3431489
Research and innovation 2668316
Social inclusion and health 2014170
Enterprises' competitiveness 1994662
Education and training 1778409
Energy 1731225
Networks and digital services 161899
Environment 124847
Culture and tourism 112689
Administrative capacity 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 6932411
Infrastructure 4777050
Incentives for firms 6501653
Grants to individuals 2200
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where is it?

Cohesion programmes

Which Programmes have more implemented projects?

Source Programme Value
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ERDF UMBRIA 8,010,983
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ESF UMBRIA 7,488,152
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC REGIONE UMBRIA 2,386,994
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2007-2013 RISORSE FSC ASSEGNATE AI COMUNI 300,000
Piano d'Azione Coesione 2007-2013 PROGRAMMA PAC UMBRIA 27,185
Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2023


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Employment and labour 4257991
Research and innovation 2754955
Transport and mobility 2405550
Enterprises' competitiveness 2049886
Social inclusion and health 2002708
Education and training 1778409
Energy 1245179
Networks and digital services 161899
Environment 113259
Culture and tourism 90000
Administrative capacity 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 6968439
Infrastructure 3244538
Incentives for firms 6644658
Grants to individuals 2200
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where is it?

Cohesion programmes

Which Programmes have more implemented projects?

Source Programme Value
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ERDF UMBRIA 7,660,468
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ESF UMBRIA 7,550,535
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC REGIONE UMBRIA 1,348,832
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2007-2013 RISORSE FSC ASSEGNATE AI COMUNI 300,000
Piano d'Azione Coesione 2007-2013 PROGRAMMA PAC UMBRIA 0
Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2023


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Employment and labour 4044506
Transport and mobility 3131489
Research and innovation 2589110
Social inclusion and health 1977688
Enterprises' competitiveness 1866099
Education and training 1719000
Energy 1541538
Networks and digital services 159103
Environment 124847
Culture and tourism 112689
Administrative capacity 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 6698978
Infrastructure 4449864
Incentives for firms 6115028
Grants to individuals 2200
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where is it?

Cohesion programmes

Which Programmes have more implemented projects?

Source Programme Value
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ERDF UMBRIA 7,637,917
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ESF UMBRIA 7,241,159
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC REGIONE UMBRIA 2,386,994
Piano d'Azione Coesione 2007-2013 PROGRAMMA PAC UMBRIA 0
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2007-2013 RISORSE FSC ASSEGNATE AI COMUNI 0
Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2023


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Employment and labour 4044506
Research and innovation 2589110
Transport and mobility 2105550
Social inclusion and health 1966226
Enterprises' competitiveness 1866099
Education and training 1719000
Energy 1081534
Networks and digital services 159103
Environment 113259
Culture and tourism 90000
Administrative capacity 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 6672622
Infrastructure 2944538
Incentives for firms 6115028
Grants to individuals 2200
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where is it?

Cohesion programmes

Which Programmes have more implemented projects?

Source Programme Value
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ESF UMBRIA 7,241,159
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ERDF UMBRIA 7,144,397
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC REGIONE UMBRIA 1,348,832
Piano d'Azione Coesione 2007-2013 PROGRAMMA PAC UMBRIA 0
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2007-2013 RISORSE FSC ASSEGNATE AI COMUNI 0
Data in number of projects
Updated on 31/12/2023

Cohesion programmes

Which Programmes have more implemented projects?

Source Programme Value
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ESF UMBRIA 170
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ERDF UMBRIA 97
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC REGIONE UMBRIA 7
Piano d'Azione Coesione 2007-2013 PROGRAMMA PAC UMBRIA 1
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2007-2013 RISORSE FSC ASSEGNATE AI COMUNI 1

Implementing bodies with most funding

ECIPA UMBRIA S.C.A R.L. € 1,041,980
EMU GROUP € 413,346
FAIL SPA € 403,473

Developments in total commitments and payments

What has been allocated and paid over the years?

Year Commitments Payments
2008 2310721.97 850.00
2009 5490390.75 1242548.10
2010 7280321.16 2916846.00
2011 8869064.55 4731044.06
2012 12446152.43 7233405.84
2013 13318082.35 10281741.70
2014 16856727.32 12853587.76
2015 17601627.53 16250401.37
2016 17789453.45 17074100.44
2017 17801656.54 17211905.26
2018 17841012.74 17226713.61
2019 17841012.74 17266069.81