2007-2013 Funding sources

Cohesion policies relating to the 2007-2013 programming period are financed both by national funds and by European funds, to which national co-financing is associated. The overall amount of the resources assigned is 74,599.4 millions euros for the seven-year period, out of which 56,419.4 million of euros to the Southern regions (data updated at 30th June 2024).

The overall strategic approach - and consequently also the relative financial allocation - saw for the part financed by the national resources of the Development and Cohesion Fund an important reorganization between 2020 and 2021 with the approval of the Development and Cohesion Plans.

Cohesion resources, in the 2007-2013 period, refer to the funds allocated through the European Structural Funds (European Regional Development Fund - ERDF and European Social Fund - ESF), those of the European Fund for Regional Development - ERDF - assigned to Italy for the European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) objective, the national resources of the Italian National Co-financing fund, the national allocation of the former Fund for Underutilized Areas (FAS) which was renamed in Development and Cohesion Fund (FSC) by the means of the Legislative Decree no. 88/2011. During this programming period, FAS/FSC underwent some reprogramming and financial reallocation.

All allocated resources must be monitored in the Unitary Monitoring System of cohesion policies whose data are dynamically displayed and published in open data on the OpenCoesione portal. Exceptions are the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD), the projects of the European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) financed by the ERDF and some allocations of the Cohesion Development Fund included in special instruments and initiatives with different reporting mechanisms.

  • EU Funds
  • National Funds
  • Southern Italy
  • Centre North
  • Not distributed

Table on the financial resources of cohesion policies for the 2007-2013 programming period (infographic source of data updated at 30th June 2024)