OpenCoesione is the national open government initiative on cohesion policy in Italy, managed by the Department for Cohesion Policy of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. OpenCoesione was created in 2012 to encourage a better use of public resources through the dissemination and re-use of data and information on operations financed with national and European resources, which are published on the portal.
OpenCoesione is addressed to citizens and communities, administrators, innovation technicians and entrepreneurs, researchers and journalists so that everyone can evaluate the effectiveness and consistency of the use of cohesion policy resources.
The portal provides data on the programming and implementation of cohesion policies starting from the 2000-2006 period limited to FSC programmes managed at regional level and from the 2007-2013 period relating to all national and European programmes, updated every two months.
The source of data for the ongoing projects is the National Monitoring System, managed by MEF-RGS-IGRUE. For each project in progress, personal, financial, procedural and physical information is published in open data format as well as details on the main actors involved in the implementation of the projects, which can be navigated interactively from the portal also according to the territorial location and all the way down to the municipal level.
For more information, read "What's in OpenCoesione" in the FAQ section of the portal.
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