At the School of OpenCohesione: the 2020-2021 school year is launched


There are 5 thousand students involved in the 2020-2021 school year of At the School of OpenCohesion, supported by aprox. 500 teachers. This year 214 classes are admitted to participate in ASOC, the civic monitoring educational programme promoted as part of OpenCoesione, located in the center-north regions (25%) and in the southern regions (75%), for a total of 132 Schools.

At 20th December 2020, 178 teams have delivered the first “Design” Report, consisting in the identification of a project funded by cohesion policies that will define the framework of research and civic monitoring activities. An important number that highlights ASOC's activities structure able to be implemented easily also by the means and the tools of on-distance learning.

There are 5 thousand students involved in the 2020-2021 school year of At the School of OpenCohesion, supported by aprox. 500 teachers. This year 214 classes are admitted to participate in ASOC, the civic monitoring educational programme promoted as part of OpenCoesione, located in the center-north regions (25%) and in the southern regions (75%), for a total of 132 Schools.

At 20th December 2020, 178 teams have delivered the first “Designing” Report, consisting in the identification of a project funded by cohesion policies that will define the framework of research and civic monitoring activities. An important number that highlights ASOC's activities structure able to be implemented easily also by the means and the tools of on-distance learning.

The schools have confirmed again the decision to integrate the programme within the Framework for Transversal Skills and for Orientation (PCTO, formerly Alternanza Scuola Lavoro), this year with a percentage of 78.5%. While 18.7% seized the opportunity to carry out the path in ordinary lessons, integreting the ASOC themes in the teaching of Civic Education.

As regards the identified project areas, most of the students chose operations related to Culture and Tourism (59 in total, 33%) and Environment (34 in total, 19%). Social Inclusion (28 in total, 16%), Transport (15 in total, 8.4%) Research and Innovation (13 in total, 7.3%) are the remaining topics of interest that follow the first two above mentioned.

The role of the organizations supporting the ASOC schools is also fundamental: 130 out of 214 teams are supported by a Europe Direct Center or a European Documentation Center (CDE). 60 out of 214 are the teams supported by one of the organizations that are part of the ASOC Friends network, to which in the 2020-2021 edition have adjoined 15 new Associations that became part of the Community. Finally, 93 out of 214 teams are supported by an Istat territorial contact.