Comune di Savogna d'Isonzo-Sovodnje ob Soci
What sectors receive funding?
Given name | Value |
Social inclusion and health | 1600000 |
Energy | 367772 |
Culture and tourism | 253214 |
Employment and labour | 100723 |
Research and innovation | 78368 |
Enterprises' competitiveness | 54165 |
Transport and mobility | 48857 |
Education and training | 6000 |
Networks and digital services | 0 |
Environment | 0 |
Administrative capacity | 0 |
Type of investment
What do you do with projects?
Given name | Value |
Procurement of goods and services | 73466 |
Infrastructure | 2197475 |
Incentives for firms | 204900 |
Grants to individuals | 33257 |
Capital contributions | 0 |
Not available | 0 |
Where is it?
Cohesion programmes
Which Programmes have more implemented projects?
Source | Programme | Value |
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 | PSC MINISTERO DELLE INFRASTRUTTURE E DEI TRASPORTI | 1,600,000 |
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 | ROP RCE ERDF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA | 392,928 |
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 | ROP ERDF FRIULI VENEZIA-GIULIA | 360,590 |
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 | ROP RCE ESF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA | 57,328 |
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 | EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO NEI COMUNI | 48,857 |
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 | ROP ESF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA | 33,257 |
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 | NOP ERDF ESF EDUCATION | 6,000 |
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 | NOP ESF YOUTH EMPLOYMENT | 5,280 |
Piano d'Azione Coesione 2007-2013 | PROGRAMMA PAC FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA | 4,858 |
What sectors receive funding?
Given name | Value |
Social inclusion and health | 1600000 |
Energy | 367772 |
Culture and tourism | 253214 |
Employment and labour | 90736 |
Research and innovation | 78368 |
Enterprises' competitiveness | 54165 |
Transport and mobility | 48857 |
Education and training | 6000 |
Networks and digital services | 0 |
Environment | 0 |
Administrative capacity | 0 |
Type of investment
What do you do with projects?
Given name | Value |
Procurement of goods and services | 63478 |
Infrastructure | 2197475 |
Incentives for firms | 204900 |
Grants to individuals | 33257 |
Capital contributions | 0 |
Not available | 0 |
Where is it?
Cohesion programmes
Which Programmes have more implemented projects?
Source | Programme | Value |
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 | PSC MINISTERO DELLE INFRASTRUTTURE E DEI TRASPORTI | 1,600,000 |
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 | ROP RCE ERDF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA | 392,928 |
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 | ROP ERDF FRIULI VENEZIA-GIULIA | 360,590 |
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 | EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO NEI COMUNI | 48,857 |
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 | ROP RCE ESF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA | 47,340 |
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 | ROP ESF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA | 33,257 |
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 | NOP ERDF ESF EDUCATION | 6,000 |
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 | NOP ESF YOUTH EMPLOYMENT | 5,280 |
Piano d'Azione Coesione 2007-2013 | PROGRAMMA PAC FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA | 4,858 |
What sectors receive funding?
Given name | Value |
Social inclusion and health | 809623 |
Energy | 367772 |
Culture and tourism | 253214 |
Employment and labour | 118403 |
Research and innovation | 78368 |
Enterprises' competitiveness | 54165 |
Transport and mobility | 48857 |
Education and training | 6000 |
Networks and digital services | 0 |
Environment | 0 |
Administrative capacity | 0 |
Type of investment
What do you do with projects?
Given name | Value |
Procurement of goods and services | 91146 |
Infrastructure | 1407098 |
Incentives for firms | 204900 |
Grants to individuals | 33257 |
Capital contributions | 0 |
Not available | 0 |
Where is it?
Cohesion programmes
Which Programmes have more implemented projects?
Source | Programme | Value |
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 | PSC MINISTERO DELLE INFRASTRUTTURE E DEI TRASPORTI | 809,623 |
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 | ROP RCE ERDF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA | 392,928 |
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 | ROP ERDF FRIULI VENEZIA-GIULIA | 360,590 |
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 | ROP RCE ESF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA | 78,866 |
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 | EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO NEI COMUNI | 48,857 |
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 | ROP ESF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA | 33,257 |
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 | NOP ERDF ESF EDUCATION | 6,000 |
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 | NOP ESF YOUTH EMPLOYMENT | 5,280 |
Piano d'Azione Coesione 2007-2013 | PROGRAMMA PAC FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA | 1,000 |
What sectors receive funding?
Given name | Value |
Social inclusion and health | 809623 |
Energy | 367772 |
Culture and tourism | 253214 |
Employment and labour | 86878 |
Research and innovation | 78368 |
Enterprises' competitiveness | 54165 |
Transport and mobility | 48857 |
Education and training | 6000 |
Networks and digital services | 0 |
Environment | 0 |
Administrative capacity | 0 |
Type of investment
What do you do with projects?
Given name | Value |
Procurement of goods and services | 59620 |
Infrastructure | 1407098 |
Incentives for firms | 204900 |
Grants to individuals | 33257 |
Capital contributions | 0 |
Not available | 0 |
Where is it?
Cohesion programmes
Which Programmes have more implemented projects?
Source | Programme | Value |
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 | PSC MINISTERO DELLE INFRASTRUTTURE E DEI TRASPORTI | 809,623 |
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 | ROP RCE ERDF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA | 392,928 |
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 | ROP ERDF FRIULI VENEZIA-GIULIA | 360,590 |
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 | EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO NEI COMUNI | 48,857 |
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 | ROP RCE ESF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA | 47,340 |
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 | ROP ESF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA | 33,257 |
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 | NOP ERDF ESF EDUCATION | 6,000 |
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 | NOP ESF YOUTH EMPLOYMENT | 5,280 |
Piano d'Azione Coesione 2007-2013 | PROGRAMMA PAC FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA | 1,000 |
What sectors receive funding?
Type of investment
What do you do with projects?
Given name | Value |
Procurement of goods and services | 13 |
Infrastructure | 5 |
Incentives for firms | 5 |
Grants to individuals | 1 |
Capital contributions | 0 |
Not available | 0 |
Where is it?
Cohesion programmes
Which Programmes have more implemented projects?
Source | Programme | Value |
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 | ROP RCE ESF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA | 6 |
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 | ROP ERDF FRIULI VENEZIA-GIULIA | 5 |
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 | NOP ESF YOUTH EMPLOYMENT | 4 |
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 | ROP RCE ERDF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA | 3 |
Piano d'Azione Coesione 2007-2013 | PROGRAMMA PAC FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA | 2 |
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 | NOP ERDF ESF EDUCATION | 1 |
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 | ROP ESF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA | 1 |
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 | EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO NEI COMUNI | 1 |
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 | PSC MINISTERO DELLE INFRASTRUTTURE E DEI TRASPORTI | 1 |
Implementing bodies with most funding
MINERVA SCPA | € 72,368 |
TOMSIC S.R.L. | € 47,267 |
UNIONSPED S.R.L. | € 31,101 |
MINERVA S.C.P.A. | € 24,640 |
Developments in total commitments and payments
What has been allocated and paid over the years?
Year | Commitments | Payments |
2008 | 24640.00 | 44800.00 |
2009 | 24640.00 | 44800.00 |
2010 | 102911.60 | 122495.60 |
2011 | 105119.60 | 128398.64 |
2012 | 119087.60 | 134289.14 |
2013 | 363128.12 | 151233.14 |
2014 | 373921.72 | 297247.95 |
2015 | 441268.75 | 471794.01 |
2016 | 476026.02 | 473494.01 |
2017 | 512451.45 | 475254.01 |
2018 | 532568.71 | 530836.70 |
2019 | 775138.20 | 694282.63 |
2020 | 904919.62 | 878662.94 |
2021 | 1105232.68 | 883594.83 |
2022 | 2431974.23 | 951067.58 |
2023 | 2434069.83 | 1148795.17 |
2024 | 2434069.83 | 1736400.63 |
Projects with most funding
Projects completed most recently
Funding per capita
Comune di Savogna d'Isonzo-Sovodnje ob Soci | € 1,472 |
The entirety of project funding is associated with the municipality, even when a project is located in multiple municipalities. Population numbers are as at 31/12/2022 (source: ISTAT).