Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Energy 2078774
Environment 1454373
Education and training 1368111
Research and innovation 878805
Employment and labour 499244
Enterprises' competitiveness 347782
Social inclusion and health 60169
Transport and mobility 44164
Networks and digital services 27547
Culture and tourism 0
Administrative capacity 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 512224
Infrastructure 4527359
Incentives for firms 1558890
Grants to individuals 160496
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where is it?

Cohesion programmes

Which Programmes have more implemented projects?

Source Programme Value
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 ROP ERDF FRIULI VENEZIA-GIULIA 2,506,330
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ERDF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA 2,147,112
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC MINISTERO DELLE INFRASTRUTTURE E DEI TRASPORTI 1,215,500
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ESF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA 349,817
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 ROP ESF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA 238,470
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC REGIONE FRIULI-VENEZIA GIULIA 133,840
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 NOP ESF YOUTH EMPLOYMENT 103,377
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO NEI COMUNI 44,164
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 NOP ERDF ESF EDUCATION 15,000
Piano d'Azione Coesione 2007-2013 PROGRAMMA PAC FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA 5,360
Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Energy 2078774
Environment 1454373
Education and training 1131824
Research and innovation 878805
Employment and labour 480455
Enterprises' competitiveness 347782
Social inclusion and health 60169
Transport and mobility 44164
Networks and digital services 27547
Culture and tourism 0
Administrative capacity 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 501517
Infrastructure 4291859
Incentives for firms 1558890
Grants to individuals 151626
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where is it?

Cohesion programmes

Which Programmes have more implemented projects?

Source Programme Value
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 ROP ERDF FRIULI VENEZIA-GIULIA 2,506,330
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ERDF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA 2,147,112
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC MINISTERO DELLE INFRASTRUTTURE E DEI TRASPORTI 980,000
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ESF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA 330,240
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 ROP ESF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA 238,470
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC REGIONE FRIULI-VENEZIA GIULIA 133,840
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 NOP ESF YOUTH EMPLOYMENT 103,377
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO NEI COMUNI 44,164
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 NOP ERDF ESF EDUCATION 15,000
Piano d'Azione Coesione 2007-2013 PROGRAMMA PAC FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA 5,360
Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Energy 2008179
Environment 1454373
Education and training 1131739
Research and innovation 878805
Employment and labour 468773
Enterprises' competitiveness 347782
Social inclusion and health 60169
Transport and mobility 44164
Networks and digital services 27547
Culture and tourism 0
Administrative capacity 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 489751
Infrastructure 4221263
Incentives for firms 1558890
Grants to individuals 151626
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where is it?

Cohesion programmes

Which Programmes have more implemented projects?

Source Programme Value
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 ROP ERDF FRIULI VENEZIA-GIULIA 2,435,734
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ERDF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA 2,147,112
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC MINISTERO DELLE INFRASTRUTTURE E DEI TRASPORTI 980,000
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ESF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA 344,500
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 ROP ESF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA 238,470
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC REGIONE FRIULI-VENEZIA GIULIA 133,840
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 NOP ESF YOUTH EMPLOYMENT 80,796
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO NEI COMUNI 44,164
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 NOP ERDF ESF EDUCATION 14,915
Piano d'Azione Coesione 2007-2013 PROGRAMMA PAC FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA 2,000
Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Energy 2008179
Environment 1454373
Education and training 1131739
Research and innovation 878805
Employment and labour 454513
Enterprises' competitiveness 347782
Social inclusion and health 60169
Transport and mobility 44164
Networks and digital services 27547
Culture and tourism 0
Administrative capacity 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 475491
Infrastructure 4221263
Incentives for firms 1558890
Grants to individuals 151626
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where is it?

Cohesion programmes

Which Programmes have more implemented projects?

Source Programme Value
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 ROP ERDF FRIULI VENEZIA-GIULIA 2,435,734
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ERDF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA 2,147,112
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC MINISTERO DELLE INFRASTRUTTURE E DEI TRASPORTI 980,000
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ESF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA 330,240
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 ROP ESF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA 238,470
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC REGIONE FRIULI-VENEZIA GIULIA 133,840
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 NOP ESF YOUTH EMPLOYMENT 80,796
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO NEI COMUNI 44,164
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 NOP ERDF ESF EDUCATION 14,915
Piano d'Azione Coesione 2007-2013 PROGRAMMA PAC FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA 2,000
Data in number of projects
Updated on 31/12/2024

Cohesion programmes

Which Programmes have more implemented projects?

Source Programme Value
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ESF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA 60
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 NOP ESF YOUTH EMPLOYMENT 56
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 ROP ESF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA 33
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 ROP ERDF FRIULI VENEZIA-GIULIA 20
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ERDF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA 11
Piano d'Azione Coesione 2007-2013 PROGRAMMA PAC FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA 4
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC REGIONE FRIULI-VENEZIA GIULIA 3
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 NOP ERDF ESF EDUCATION 1
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO NEI COMUNI 1
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC MINISTERO DELLE INFRASTRUTTURE E DEI TRASPORTI 1

Implementing bodies with most funding

AEROEL SRL € 283,109
FRAG SRL € 277,671
FARMADERBE S.R.L. € 200,000
METLAB SRL € 136,988
ZUCCO S.R.L. € 85,836

Developments in total commitments and payments

What has been allocated and paid over the years?

Year Commitments Payments
2006 1235658.80 0
2007 1454373.26 0
2008 1474713.26 1158000.00
2009 1474670.51 1474576.01
2010 1509602.51 1496747.16
2011 2010939.39 1551101.78
2012 2331709.93 1700895.28
2013 2394378.83 2217366.13
2014 2594576.33 2400537.73
2015 2665820.22 2599242.11
2016 2705055.22 2629750.95
2017 2855987.51 2683004.92
2018 3196164.47 2930858.68
2019 4852335.68 3399747.47
2020 5742843.95 4376430.24
2021 6435732.52 5503352.54
2022 6485790.27 6203647.50
2023 6429937.04 6421530.79

Funding per capita

Comune di Pradamano € 1,929

The entirety of project funding is associated with the municipality, even when a project is located in multiple municipalities. Population numbers are as at 31/12/2022 (source: ISTAT).