Code Municipality Public cost Per capita funding Cohesion funds Payments Cohesion payments Projects
34001 Albareto 71526800 34273 71443873 33262242 24774938 10
34002 Bardi 5996163 2974 5973304 3660247 3660247 129
34003 Bedonia 1433102 459 1383102 1106977 1067102 16
34004 Berceto 75488509 38377 75467584 36384463 27953804 19
34005 Bore 2453068 3797 2392593 1512803 1512803 25
34006 Borgo Val di Taro 8367188 1244 8046181 7153542 6973243 156
34007 Busseto 75451552 11153 74334547 36094649 27164753 21
34008 Calestano 3108373 1507 2757027 2206435 1919247 17
34009 Collecchio 201614928 13705 128048058 43157896 28516887 81
34010 Colorno 81050879 9040 80513426 40462903 31599375 41
34011 Compiano 20105793 18950 19747645 9493851 735255 6
34012 Corniglio 1716626 980 1676626 942482 902482 31
34013 Felino 153426641 16735 87085431 38044770 26784691 39
34014 Fidenza 110140878 4073 103219453 67177757 53998043 468
34015 Fontanellato 73706779 10409 72811456 35358961 26032856 27
34016 Fontevivo 76973241 13887 75722248 37741978 28567673 35
34017 Fornovo di Taro 14712235 2494 13740791 12016650 12013100 82
34018 Langhirano 20752190 1921 18718839 10658676 8741151 147
34019 Lesignano de' Bagni 5182616 1017 4914254 4326470 4127224 19
34020 Medesano 75616349 7052 73817402 34901930 26158984 34
34022 Monchio delle Corti 837730 995 837591 582208 582208 53
34023 Montechiarugolo 104869496 9339 104003700 35474350 26958111 46
34024 Neviano degli Arduini 75293398 21977 74485885 36413112 27769303 18
34025 Noceto 76637147 5797 76137147 36467490 28036832 29
34026 Palanzano 1071114 1033 1061120 986291 976297 49
34027 Parma 430151929 2183 334127606 268395091 244729519 2386
34028 Pellegrino Parmense 3327866 3456 3292866 2286090 2252479 44
34050 Polesine Zibello 82633468 26656 82133468 44279741 35419612 15
34030 Roccabianca 72375100 24991 71807095 33990017 25039128 34
34031 Sala Baganza 164207490 27855 97361895 40774797 27150771 21
34032 Salsomaggiore Terme 84150990 4196 80588233 42481427 33029603 64
34033 San Secondo Parmense 73622424 12598 73070896 35225336 26339649 35
34049 Sissa Trecasali 77769178 9884 76226818 36988241 27206571 19
34035 Solignano 76949248 44921 75916095 36540849 27427099 21
34036 Soragna 72639617 15299 72130628 34274930 25406586 16
34051 Sorbolo Mezzani 88482708 6903 81869394 38560961 29869271 39
34038 Terenzo 927980 806 927980 719392 719392 9
34039 Tizzano Val Parma 76894276 36033 76704364 37813509 29292939 68
34040 Tornolo 2672947 2934 2672947 1870456 1870456 28
34041 Torrile 75200444 9696 73700686 34954218 25809063 32
34042 Traversetolo 85483152 8913 85149190 37830028 28958170 47
34044 Valmozzola 71216409 132866 71216409 33021336 24590678 18
34045 Varano de' Melegari 3505071 1360 3142156 1983030 1879860 69
34046 Varsi 3715570 3309 3652729 2365888 2365888 15
Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Research and innovation 112792578
Environment 109407486
Employment and labour 103697645
Networks and digital services 96352186
Social inclusion and health 62040149
Education and training 59248732
Transport and mobility 49654765
Culture and tourism 27282005
Enterprises' competitiveness 20642098
Energy 9922761
Administrative capacity 2424963

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 206545166
Infrastructure 312861703
Incentives for firms 119852317
Grants to individuals 14206183
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where does funding go?

Cohesion programmes

Which Programmes have more implemented projects?

Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Networks and digital services 1965422709
Research and innovation 134771110
Employment and labour 134434522
Environment 102931656
Social inclusion and health 67304650
Transport and mobility 52818780
Education and training 43580711
Enterprises' competitiveness 20374905
Culture and tourism 16394122
Energy 6574377
Administrative capacity 1153199

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 252483203
Infrastructure 2134775223
Incentives for firms 146814807
Grants to individuals 11687507
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where does funding go?

Cohesion programmes

Which Programmes have more implemented projects?

Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Employment and labour 100336659
Networks and digital services 57043495
Social inclusion and health 54676204
Education and training 39862501
Research and innovation 38051407
Transport and mobility 25139782
Environment 19258640
Culture and tourism 18677582
Enterprises' competitiveness 17490581
Energy 9729414
Administrative capacity 2036215

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 194412405
Infrastructure 129447513
Incentives for firms 45626162
Grants to individuals 12816399
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where does funding go?

Cohesion programmes

Which Programmes have more implemented projects?

Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Networks and digital services 686872813
Employment and labour 131528282
Social inclusion and health 63294128
Education and training 38530301
Transport and mobility 33610902
Research and innovation 30420135
Environment 25739152
Enterprises' competitiveness 17050632
Culture and tourism 13994623
Energy 6381030
Administrative capacity 1007348

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 240518416
Infrastructure 754876289
Incentives for firms 41893112
Grants to individuals 11141528
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where does funding go?

Cohesion programmes

Which Programmes have more implemented projects?

Data in number of projects
Updated on 31/12/2024

Cohesion programmes

Which Programmes have more implemented projects?

Developments in total commitments and payments

What has been allocated and paid over the years?

Year Commitments Payments
2005 2364574.15 494365.40
2006 2532884.48 1653835.53
2007 9655314.03 2769956.81
2008 20050705.84 9068050.02
2009 31826666.58 17854424.46
2010 45910913.00 27888712.96
2011 53745774.75 39735294.88
2012 62980609.62 49003489.05
2013 75032390.88 58344055.20
2014 92816943.50 68128418.80
2015 139597769.95 85751780.06
2016 182988654.38 99869124.21
2017 211179638.09 114795479.43
2018 245729153.82 144314029.40
2019 295614827.99 173001586.37
2020 408363431.59 222739526.34
2021 438570496.89 288240249.96
2022 500820485.29 318777941.75
2023 554708367.93 362163432.01
2024 554670259.61 382302478.58