Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Networks and digital services 197050096
Employment and labour 181679983
Enterprises' competitiveness 1350625
Transport and mobility 1000000
Social inclusion and health 186443
Education and training 178012
Research and innovation 0
Energy 0
Environment 0
Culture and tourism 0
Administrative capacity 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 3350236
Infrastructure 198012445
Incentives for firms 35289515
Grants to individuals 144792963
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where is it?

Cohesion programmes

Which Programmes have more implemented projects?

Source Programme Value
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC MINISTRY OF ENTERPRISES AND MADE IN ITALY 196,866,863
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 ROP ESF LOMBARDY 178,926,829
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 NOP ESF YOUTH EMPLOYMENT 2,939,597
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 NOP ERDF ENTERPRISES AND COMPETITIVENESS 1,098,222
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC REGIONE LOMBARDIA 1,077,979
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 NOP ERDF ESF EDUCATION 276,268
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 ROP ERDF LOMBARDY 164,374
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO NEI COMUNI 84,976
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ERDF LOMBARDY 10,050
Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Networks and digital services 197050096
Employment and labour 181686513
Enterprises' competitiveness 1350625
Transport and mobility 750000
Social inclusion and health 186443
Education and training 178012
Research and innovation 0
Energy 0
Environment 0
Culture and tourism 0
Administrative capacity 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 3350236
Infrastructure 197762445
Incentives for firms 35289515
Grants to individuals 144799493
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where is it?

Cohesion programmes

Which Programmes have more implemented projects?

Source Programme Value
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC MINISTRY OF ENTERPRISES AND MADE IN ITALY 196,866,863
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 ROP ESF LOMBARDY 178,933,359
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 NOP ESF YOUTH EMPLOYMENT 2,939,597
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 NOP ERDF ENTERPRISES AND COMPETITIVENESS 1,098,222
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC REGIONE LOMBARDIA 827,979
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 NOP ERDF ESF EDUCATION 276,268
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 ROP ERDF LOMBARDY 164,374
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO NEI COMUNI 84,976
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ERDF LOMBARDY 10,050
Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Employment and labour 178794923
Networks and digital services 109768764
Transport and mobility 974978
Social inclusion and health 186443
Enterprises' competitiveness 175100
Education and training 168944
Research and innovation 0
Energy 0
Environment 0
Culture and tourism 0
Administrative capacity 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 2477655
Infrastructure 110705889
Incentives for firms 32092645
Grants to individuals 144792963
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where is it?

Cohesion programmes

Which Programmes have more implemented projects?

Source Programme Value
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 ROP ESF LOMBARDY 176,905,484
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC MINISTRY OF ENTERPRISES AND MADE IN ITALY 109,589,348
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 NOP ESF YOUTH EMPLOYMENT 2,075,882
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC REGIONE LOMBARDIA 1,052,958
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 NOP ERDF ESF EDUCATION 267,400
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 ROP ERDF LOMBARDY 87,071
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO NEI COMUNI 80,959
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ERDF LOMBARDY 10,050
Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Employment and labour 178801453
Networks and digital services 109687521
Transport and mobility 731234
Social inclusion and health 186443
Enterprises' competitiveness 175100
Education and training 168944
Research and innovation 0
Energy 0
Environment 0
Culture and tourism 0
Administrative capacity 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 2477655
Infrastructure 110380901
Incentives for firms 32092645
Grants to individuals 144799493
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where is it?

Cohesion programmes

Which Programmes have more implemented projects?

Source Programme Value
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 ROP ESF LOMBARDY 176,912,013
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC MINISTRY OF ENTERPRISES AND MADE IN ITALY 109,508,106
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 NOP ESF YOUTH EMPLOYMENT 2,075,882
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC REGIONE LOMBARDIA 809,213
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 NOP ERDF ESF EDUCATION 267,400
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 ROP ERDF LOMBARDY 87,071
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO NEI COMUNI 80,959
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ERDF LOMBARDY 10,050
Data in number of projects
Updated on 31/12/2024

Cohesion programmes

Which Programmes have more implemented projects?

Source Programme Value
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 NOP ESF YOUTH EMPLOYMENT 39
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 ROP ESF LOMBARDY 24
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 NOP ERDF ESF EDUCATION 7
Fondi Strutturali 2014-2020 ROP ERDF LOMBARDY 5
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC REGIONE LOMBARDIA 3
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ERDF LOMBARDY 1
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO NEI COMUNI 1
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC MINISTRY OF ENTERPRISES AND MADE IN ITALY 1

Developments in total commitments and payments

What has been allocated and paid over the years?

Year Commitments Payments
2014 2949647.29 0
2015 2949647.29 491244.96
2016 6568257.76 5099026.64
2017 15981951.03 15111434.77
2018 99055111.32 98159111.06
2019 140762823.91 142509588.78
2020 340629038.59 153170424.21
2021 353745288.37 167564035.96
2022 366236660.41 180881731.70
2023 381332709.11 239968057.84
2024 381438859.11 290069152.18

Funding per capita

Comune di Curtatone € 26,067

The entirety of project funding is associated with the municipality, even when a project is located in multiple municipalities. Population numbers are as at 31/12/2022 (source: ISTAT).