Data in euro
Updated on 31/10/2024


Where does funding go?

Given name Value
TOSCANA 21195107
In more than one area 67456321.0


What role does he play in the projects?

Given name Value
Executor 71649323.68
Implementing body 6019425.71
Beneficiary / Implementing body / Planning body 4198076.53
Beneficiary / Implementing body 3799257.92
Beneficiary / Planning body 2654917.65
Beneficiary / Executor 192000.00
Implementing body / Planning body 138426.20
Data in euro
Updated on 31/10/2024


Where does funding go?

Given name Value
TOSCANA 21542258
In more than one area 0


What role does he play in the projects?

Given name Value
Data in euro
Updated on 31/10/2024


Where does funding go?

Given name Value
TOSCANA 20563871
In more than one area 47506761.58


What role does he play in the projects?

Given name Value
Executor 51708412.24
Implementing body 5736852.64
Beneficiary / Implementing body / Planning body 4094871.92
Beneficiary / Implementing body 3558373.11
Beneficiary / Planning body 2643461.34
Beneficiary / Executor 190235.62
Implementing body / Planning body 138426.08
Data in euro
Updated on 31/10/2024


Where does funding go?

Given name Value
TOSCANA 20540880
In more than one area 0


What role does he play in the projects?

Given name Value
Data in number of projects
Updated on 31/10/2024

Developments in total commitments and payments

What has been allocated and paid over the years?

Year Commitments Payments
2007 568092.00 9542.68
2008 1712555.02 305978.00
2009 3057818.30 1328518.50
2010 4896978.04 2690140.94
2011 8804456.04 4002170.82
2012 10973463.43 5917342.90
2013 11936549.52 8533658.28
2014 12336554.85 10332365.63
2015 13094130.85 11171765.92
2016 14191318.67 11681516.43
2017 84275291.06 12481087.05
2018 86147219.50 14361066.28
2019 87177963.75 62416729.78
2020 88622124.77 65109763.97
2021 88834407.61 66823554.49
2022 89118579.28 67482608.05
2023 89116814.90 68070279.67
2024 89116814.90 68070632.95

Municipalities with most per-capita funding

Comune di Pesaro € 705
Comune di Radicondoli € 621
Comune di Empoli € 284

The entirety of project funding is associated with the municipality, even when a project is located in multiple municipalities. Population numbers are as at 31/12/2022 (source: ISTAT).