It is the unitary planning instrument of the Region Piedmont for the Development and Cohesion Fund (FSC) formerly the Under-Utilized Areas Fund (FAS), envisaged by art.44 of Legislative Decree 34/2019 and approved with CIPESS resolution 25/2021.
The Plan includes projects financed with FSC resources in the 2014-2020, 2007-2013 and 2000-2006 programming periods.
The Plan is in progressive update in the National Monitoring System following the migration of these projects from the original plans or programmes: Piedmont Pact, Parco città della salute di Torino, Ornavasso Hospital.
Code | Region | Public cost | Per capita funding | Cohesion funds | Payments | Cohesion payments | Projects |
8 | EMILIA-ROMAGNA | 6757862 | 2 | 4802963 | 4912167 | 4202963 | 8 |
12 | LAZIO | 1800 | 0 | 1800 | 1800 | 1800 | 1 |
7 | LIGURIA | 913684 | 1 | 466626 | 913684 | 466626 | 2 |
3 | LOMBARDIA | 1272076 | 0 | 568741 | 501728 | 267381 | 6 |
1 | PIEMONTE | 2205752175 | 520 | 1279596420 | 1883083515 | 1092815144 | 2541 |
16 | PUGLIA | 102652 | 0 | 65697 | 22963 | 18371 | 1 |
9 | TOSCANA | 2994 | 0 | 2994 | 2994 | 2994 | 1 |
5 | VENETO | 78381 | 0 | 78381 | 78381 | 78381 | 1 |
Code | Province | Public cost | Per capita funding | Cohesion funds | Payments | Cohesion payments | Projects |
6 | ALESSANDRIA | 165648683 | 408 | 109669802 | 156311135 | 107106345 | 217 |
5 | ASTI | 63232513 | 304 | 36563956 | 60438498 | 35701559 | 163 |
96 | BIELLA | 63707477 | 377 | 28655857 | 42592757 | 28461404 | 81 |
37 | BOLOGNA | 117942 | 0 | 117942 | 117942 | 117942 | 2 |
17 | BRESCIA | 72780 | 0 | 72780 | 72780 | 72780 | 1 |
74 | BRINDISI | 102652 | 0 | 65697 | 22963 | 18371 | 1 |
4 | CUNEO | 193461449 | 333 | 117929459 | 152376282 | 97721990 | 352 |
10 | GENOVA | 913684 | 1 | 466626 | 913684 | 466626 | 2 |
15 | MILANO | 428948 | 0 | 194601 | 428948 | 194601 | 4 |
108 | MONZA E DELLA BRIANZA | 770348 | 1 | 301360 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
3 | NOVARA | 45113699 | 124 | 24547570 | 38088229 | 23131660 | 74 |
28 | PADOVA | 78381 | 0 | 78381 | 78381 | 78381 | 1 |
34 | PARMA | 6638000 | 15 | 4683101 | 4792305 | 4083101 | 5 |
35 | REGGIO NELL'EMILIA | 1920 | 0 | 1920 | 1920 | 1920 | 1 |
58 | ROMA | 1800 | 0 | 1800 | 1800 | 1800 | 1 |
52 | SIENA | 2994 | 0 | 2994 | 2994 | 2994 | 1 |
1 | TORINO | 1462667208 | 666 | 827803401 | 1241255370 | 673178809 | 1395 |
103 | VERBANO-CUSIO-OSSOLA | 72334157 | 470 | 53656579 | 61911175 | 47186583 | 116 |
2 | VERCELLI | 81526061 | 491 | 45953717 | 72754105 | 45510715 | 113 |
What sectors receive funding?
Given name | Value |
Transport and mobility | 709065927 |
Environment | 550184570 |
Culture and tourism | 275347698 |
Research and innovation | 252793198 |
Social inclusion and health | 170888043 |
Enterprises' competitiveness | 105663793 |
Networks and digital services | 91746508 |
Administrative capacity | 21360855 |
Employment and labour | 16959233 |
Energy | 11501040 |
Education and training | 9268109 |
Type of investment
What do you do with projects?
Given name | Value |
Procurement of goods and services | 344872610 |
Infrastructure | 1645083518 |
Incentives for firms | 207458150 |
Grants to individuals | 17364694 |
Capital contributions | 0 |
Not available | 0 |
Where does funding go?
What sectors receive funding?
Given name | Value |
Transport and mobility | 426984698 |
Environment | 352347682 |
Culture and tourism | 139258823 |
Research and innovation | 108224763 |
Social inclusion and health | 106895592 |
Networks and digital services | 62239384 |
Enterprises' competitiveness | 39731180 |
Administrative capacity | 17088989 |
Employment and labour | 16959233 |
Education and training | 6520728 |
Energy | 5078857 |
Type of investment
What do you do with projects?
Given name | Value |
Procurement of goods and services | 180977298 |
Infrastructure | 1014582670 |
Incentives for firms | 77960373 |
Grants to individuals | 7809588 |
Capital contributions | 0 |
Not available | 0 |
What sectors receive funding?
Given name | Value |
Transport and mobility | 604205469 |
Environment | 508398343 |
Culture and tourism | 227656060 |
Research and innovation | 223015976 |
Social inclusion and health | 154561011 |
Networks and digital services | 78111525 |
Enterprises' competitiveness | 42642248 |
Administrative capacity | 18783114 |
Employment and labour | 16209233 |
Education and training | 9185251 |
Energy | 6726040 |
Type of investment
What do you do with projects?
Given name | Value |
Procurement of goods and services | 333255219 |
Infrastructure | 1425035671 |
Incentives for firms | 128040193 |
Grants to individuals | 3163187 |
Capital contributions | 0 |
Not available | 0 |
What sectors receive funding?
Given name | Value |
Transport and mobility | 341779486 |
Environment | 323168548 |
Research and innovation | 103309394 |
Social inclusion and health | 103220530 |
Culture and tourism | 102775078 |
Networks and digital services | 48758493 |
Enterprises' competitiveness | 30165322 |
Employment and labour | 16168605 |
Administrative capacity | 15728578 |
Education and training | 6488439 |
Energy | 2126451 |
Type of investment
What do you do with projects?
Given name | Value |
Procurement of goods and services | 171203964 |
Infrastructure | 846385825 |
Incentives for firms | 73834766 |
Grants to individuals | 2264370 |
Capital contributions | 0 |
Not available | 0 |
What sectors receive funding?
Given name | Value |
Research and innovation | 659 |
Environment | 649 |
Social inclusion and health | 330 |
Culture and tourism | 272 |
Enterprises' competitiveness | 210 |
Transport and mobility | 163 |
Administrative capacity | 121 |
Employment and labour | 66 |
Energy | 44 |
Networks and digital services | 28 |
Education and training | 18 |
Type of investment
What do you do with projects?
Given name | Value |
Procurement of goods and services | 650 |
Infrastructure | 1146 |
Incentives for firms | 739 |
Grants to individuals | 25 |
Capital contributions | 0 |
Not available | 0 |
Implementing bodies with most funding
REGIONE PIEMONTE | € 1,334,553,098 |
COMUNE DI TORINO | € 20,316,640 |
Developments in total commitments and payments
What has been allocated and paid over the years?
Year | Commitments | Payments |
2002 | 15163081.74 | 4984760.73 |
2003 | 119600714.99 | 75979368.07 |
2004 | 230216692.36 | 129621695.68 |
2005 | 454772651.75 | 272008702.83 |
2006 | 557137202.49 | 427290291.97 |
2007 | 720159354.82 | 529292108.14 |
2008 | 913836568.14 | 632369971.22 |
2009 | 1007372949.56 | 788812809.12 |
2010 | 1057774296.69 | 933264856.76 |
2011 | 1130974698.54 | 1039685715.89 |
2012 | 1186870250.17 | 1134961224.42 |
2013 | 1258438263.27 | 1256099291.43 |
2014 | 1344293505.17 | 1341299422.16 |
2015 | 1543806338.31 | 1428090907.27 |
2016 | 1624732810.88 | 1510596098.28 |
2017 | 1814910139.97 | 1588196748.83 |
2018 | 1829521954.43 | 1623264584.54 |
2019 | 1870146189.23 | 1650411367.02 |
2020 | 1921863676.67 | 1662867911.92 |
2021 | 2007623451.21 | 1709030723.29 |
2022 | 2034146923.00 | 1854114890.92 |
2023 | 2042903263.38 | 1880170898.63 |
2024 | 2051415904.31 | 1889494269.60 |
Projects with most funding
Projects completed most recently
Municipalities with most per-capita funding
Comune di Claviere | € 775,701 |
Comune di Pamparato | € 69,330 |
Comune di Corsione | € 26,540 |
The entirety of project funding is associated with the municipality, even when a project is located in multiple municipalities. Population numbers are as at 31/12/2022 (source: ISTAT).