Code Region Public cost Per capita funding Cohesion funds Payments Cohesion payments Projects
13 ABRUZZO 10371814 8 17620461 2253998 6240726 13
17 BASILICATA 1350000 3 1350000 1050670 1050670 1
18 CALABRIA 8613691 5 8613691 2542815 2537220 7
15 CAMPANIA 17773821 3 17142941 12175238 11905219 18
8 EMILIA-ROMAGNA 15804736 4 12528180 6650296 6550747 7
6 FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA 6890000 6 6890000 6890000 6890000 1
12 LAZIO 2860000 0 2860000 962825 962825 3
7 LIGURIA 2357886 2 1649380 907594 657966 2
3 LOMBARDIA 28822932 3 13397932 23858776 12391579 5
11 MARCHE 6326770 4 6291770 5472013 5362157 10
14 MOLISE 1650000 6 1650000 724871 724871 1
1 PIEMONTE 5851652 1 5851652 2402366 2402366 2
16 PUGLIA 16214825 4 14869189 3725938 3222003 6
20 SARDEGNA 4490000 3 4440000 1965995 1965995 7
19 SICILIA 25201217 5 25201217 10426062 9931725 25
9 TOSCANA 27888053 8 25488929 17458182 16181692 32
10 UMBRIA 1208163 1 1208163 792321 682339 5
Code Province Public cost Per capita funding Cohesion funds Payments Cohesion payments Projects
84 AGRIGENTO 3007352 7 3007352 827477 615000 3
42 ANCONA 86321 0 86321 0 0 1
51 AREZZO 2505422 8 2505422 2129855 2129855 2
44 ASCOLI PICENO 1000000 5 1000000 677548 677548 1
64 AVELLINO 10979953 28 10415728 7565362 7299946 12
72 BARI 2170000 2 2170000 1042156 933858 2
110 BARLETTA-ANDRIA-TRANI 2644825 7 2249189 2644825 2249189 1
62 BENEVENTO 1359113 5 1359113 1086151 1086151 2
16 BERGAMO 3620000 3 2470000 3360361 2292843 1
17 BRESCIA 1150000 1 800000 4050 4050 1
85 CALTANISSETTA 550873 2 550873 252643 252643 1
87 CATANIA 6372859 6 6372859 2078097 1796438 6
79 CATANZARO 1827117 5 1827117 765598 760002 1
69 CHIETI 816514 2 765161 605359 261716 2
78 COSENZA 6563943 10 6563943 1777217 1777217 5
86 ENNA 1680000 11 1680000 646996 646996 2
48 FIRENZE 9714432 10 9430287 8498055 8125738 7
40 FORLI'-CESENA 2131770 5 2131770 1789916 1789916 5
31 GORIZIA 6890000 50 6890000 6890000 6890000 1
94 ISERNIA 1650000 21 1650000 724871 724871 1
66 L'AQUILA 875300 3 875300 199250 199250 2
11 LA SPEZIA 2208506 10 1500000 758214 508586 1
75 LECCE 750000 1 750000 0 0 1
46 LUCCA 2498596 7 1468596 1109048 451449 3
20 MANTOVA 22925000 56 9000000 19366433 8966754 1
45 MASSA-CARRARA 3100000 17 3100000 2232017 2232017 2
83 MESSINA 6323461 11 6323461 2339051 2338851 5
63 NAPOLI 3634313 1 3634313 1881754 1877151 3
82 PALERMO 4438318 4 4438318 2479128 2479128 4
18 PAVIA 950782 2 950782 950782 950782 1
54 PERUGIA 453611 1 453611 153611 153611 2
41 PESARO E URBINO 5240449 15 5205449 4794465 4684609 8
68 PESCARA 5480000 18 11880000 1449389 5779761 6
33 PIACENZA 13672966 48 10396410 4860380 4760831 2
47 PISTOIA 3158635 11 3036330 2085004 1962699 13
76 POTENZA 1350000 4 1350000 1050670 1050670 1
88 RAGUSA 318802 1 318802 205529 205529 1
80 REGGIO DI CALABRIA 222631 0 222631 0 0 1
57 RIETI 950000 6 950000 0 0 2
58 ROMA 1910000 0 1910000 962825 962825 1
65 SALERNO 1800443 2 1733788 1641971 1641971 1
90 SASSARI 4490000 9 4440000 1965995 1965995 7
9 SAVONA 149380 1 149380 149380 149380 1
52 SIENA 6910968 27 5948294 1404203 1279934 5
89 SIRACUSA 2509551 7 2509551 1597139 1597139 3
73 TARANTO 10650000 19 9700000 38956 38956 2
67 TERAMO 3200000 11 4100000 0 0 3
55 TERNI 754552 3 754552 638710 528728 3
1 TORINO 5851652 3 5851652 2402366 2402366 2
12 VARESE 177150 0 177150 177150 177150 1
Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Social inclusion and health 60902220
Culture and tourism 47445826
Transport and mobility 41336813
Education and training 21137518
Environment 8240495
Energy 3129787
Administrative capacity 842901
Enterprises' competitiveness 640000
Research and innovation 0
Networks and digital services 0
Employment and labour 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 1000000
Infrastructure 182675560
Incentives for firms 0
Grants to individuals 0
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where does funding go?

Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Social inclusion and health 55962865
Transport and mobility 38975150
Culture and tourism 33332171
Education and training 18630137
Environment 8240495
Energy 3129787
Administrative capacity 842901
Enterprises' competitiveness 640000
Research and innovation 0
Networks and digital services 0
Employment and labour 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 1000000
Infrastructure 158753505
Incentives for firms 0
Grants to individuals 0
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where does funding go?

Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


Where does funding go?

Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


Where does funding go?

Data in number of projects
Updated on 31/12/2024

Implementing bodies with most funding

COMUNE DI MANTOVA € 22,925,000
COMUNE DI EMPOLI € 5,200,000

Developments in total commitments and payments

What has been allocated and paid over the years?

Year Commitments Payments
2008 96002.52 0
2009 116826.02 16548.90
2010 120498.02 64810.30
2011 228650.75 120017.52
2012 243906.35 1048782.05
2013 534034.35 1738552.05
2014 12156795.55 2639607.52
2015 17458636.91 2767344.21
2016 18343277.62 3376702.76
2017 43252229.92 8984312.14
2018 74518647.18 25477369.61
2019 116775708.31 45917632.89
2020 133656108.87 71441070.99
2021 139166091.61 91151170.43
2022 145998394.96 96146414.55
2023 146923225.17 99551699.62
2024 147069566.76 100259959.37