2014-2020 programming period Go to list of projects
Code Region Public cost Per capita funding Cohesion funds Payments Cohesion payments Projects
13 ABRUZZO 342214691 269 56378229 325318205 39958153 5
17 BASILICATA 387731151 721 1385589823 353697939 552662288 8
18 CALABRIA 391691842 212 504832468 355990386 283548612 17
15 CAMPANIA 489866685 87 10420397190 389629929 1978161491 97
8 EMILIA-ROMAGNA 17414243 4 15076587 11105377 10710349 11
6 FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA 2493312 2 1915475 1389033 1138560 2
12 LAZIO 16020295 3 11889008 8571723 4679998 9
7 LIGURIA 5536998 4 2840809 2290416 1269388 3
3 LOMBARDIA 16531834 2 29351391 7182462 8866416 8
14 MOLISE 336176535 1157 55086260 319526058 38435783 3
1 PIEMONTE 3005083 1 4395303 2644529 3895728 3
16 PUGLIA 401623464 103 692380128 360631666 264152543 21
20 SARDEGNA 336378573 213 55370390 319567941 38700132 4
19 SICILIA 409860729 85 6395751262 364680739 2591098554 18
9 TOSCANA 3724500 1 4433120 1956560 2366752 3
4 TRENTINO-ALTO ADIGE/SUDTIROL 23576 0 23576 8256 8256 1
5 VENETO 3636015 1 1729751 2744494 1235985 3
Code Province Public cost Per capita funding Cohesion funds Payments Cohesion payments Projects
84 AGRIGENTO 18095291 44 667218780 7660205 267177034 2
5 ASTI 1390221 7 2780441 1251199 2502397 1
64 AVELLINO 41962806 105 2221503793 13570586 411683459 15
72 BARI 12139227 10 121354538 3696817 39185422 11
110 BARLETTA-ANDRIA-TRANI 3153550 8 28381950 1017413 9156719 1
62 BENEVENTO 36823365 140 1468267624 10796232 274286382 8
16 BERGAMO 7038929 6 6417866 2111679 1925360 1
74 BRINDISI 3153550 8 50456800 1017413 16278611 1
85 CALTANISSETTA 17493871 70 342295267 7236391 137145653 2
70 CAMPOBASSO 1623474 8 1623474 1069783 1069783 2
61 CASERTA 27149748 30 1882507873 6016001 348158022 8
87 CATANIA 26956461 25 829367125 12141521 332995891 4
79 CATANZARO 16674308 49 93216193 8067975 49060492 6
69 CHIETI 1345617 4 1245193 1211056 1120673 1
13 COMO 378721 1 242705 134727 88477 1
78 COSENZA 4799044 7 177301629 3399265 93684938 3
101 CROTONE 4783524 29 22820593 3204989 12221294 3
4 CUNEO 1525187 3 1525187 1372668 1372668 1
86 ENNA 20240250 131 308505200 7761269 123521598 4
38 FERRARA 2866488 8 1816848 0 0 2
48 FIRENZE 2015180 2 1259859 1443764 917708 2
71 FOGGIA 16381665 28 106941097 8928074 37995862 5
60 FROSINONE 6377058 14 4302487 2919050 1628224 2
10 GENOVA 1553292 2 919932 0 0 1
53 GROSSETO 1157068 5 774496 671462 480882 1
66 L'AQUILA 6254038 22 1608275 5613701 1434306 2
59 LATINA 2151582 4 1963130 0 0 1
75 LECCE 14751550 19 224815897 6094444 74261129 4
97 LECCO 7038929 21 12835731 2111679 3850719 1
49 LIVORNO 1157068 4 774496 671462 480882 1
98 LODI 1931378 8 1129080 0 0 1
46 LUCCA 1709320 4 1624270 512796 487281 1
77 MATERA 12380504 65 331303418 4968864 124558299 3
83 MESSINA 19283846 32 1812787500 7592519 725494549 2
15 MILANO 12776378 4 7359339 7047735 2594874 5
36 MODENA 2683869 4 1928667 1432485 1081129 3
63 NAPOLI 61157706 21 1967999483 21293022 366040572 45
95 ORISTANO 203781 1 203781 27157 27157 1
82 PALERMO 24438997 20 1409538997 10530570 564774636 2
18 PAVIA 1445358 3 811040 0 0 1
76 POTENZA 20550508 59 969541760 8925196 365247107 2
88 RAGUSA 17490000 55 205296250 7036269 82206482 2
39 RAVENNA 2478848 6 2478848 2230963 2230963 1
80 REGGIO DI CALABRIA 7076646 14 99335208 1314500 51265505 4
35 REGGIO NELL'EMILIA 9683210 18 8852224 7688472 7398256 6
58 ROMA 9643237 2 5623391 5652674 3051775 7
65 SALERNO 46942171 44 2795373772 10531452 515136172 22
90 SASSARI 1621731 3 1703823 1084509 1306975 2
9 SAVONA 3983706 15 1920877 2290416 1269388 2
89 SIRACUSA 17477092 45 324917598 7199500 130025465 2
73 TARANTO 3153550 6 75685200 1017413 24417917 1
67 TERAMO 61975 0 61975 37174 37174 1
1 TORINO 89675 0 89675 20662 20662 1
81 TRAPANI 19350000 48 411079900 8315491 164900363 2
22 TRENTO 23576 0 23576 8256 8256 1
30 UDINE 2493312 5 1915475 1389033 1138560 2
12 VARESE 795842 1 555630 575133 406986 1
23 VERONA 1010452 1 615927 360857 226209 1
102 VIBO VALENTIA 2492200 17 27414200 1314500 14459501 1
24 VICENZA 2625563 3 1113824 2383637 1009776 2
Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Research and innovation 415562869
Enterprises' competitiveness 159645825
Networks and digital services 56168658
Administrative capacity 30308257
Culture and tourism 18012488
Energy 0
Environment 0
Transport and mobility 0
Employment and labour 0
Social inclusion and health 0
Education and training 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 100345117
Infrastructure 56168658
Incentives for firms 181893761
Grants to individuals 6737500
Capital contributions 334553061
Not available 0


Where does funding go?

Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Research and innovation 113712445
Enterprises' competitiveness 94806734
Networks and digital services 56168658
Administrative capacity 29227824
Culture and tourism 18012488
Energy 0
Environment 0
Transport and mobility 0
Employment and labour 0
Social inclusion and health 0
Education and training 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 99264685
Infrastructure 56168658
Incentives for firms 96294521
Grants to individuals 6737500
Capital contributions 53462786
Not available 0


Where does funding go?

Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Research and innovation 358106549
Enterprises' competitiveness 76270689
Administrative capacity 24517279
Networks and digital services 17448841
Culture and tourism 9051778
Energy 0
Environment 0
Transport and mobility 0
Employment and labour 0
Social inclusion and health 0
Education and training 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 61432399
Infrastructure 17448841
Incentives for firms 87057621
Grants to individuals 1000000
Capital contributions 318456275
Not available 0


Where does funding go?

Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Research and innovation 66099412
Enterprises' competitiveness 47473187
Administrative capacity 23436847
Networks and digital services 17448841
Culture and tourism 9051778
Energy 0
Environment 0
Transport and mobility 0
Employment and labour 0
Social inclusion and health 0
Education and training 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 60351967
Infrastructure 17448841
Incentives for firms 47343257
Grants to individuals 1000000
Capital contributions 37366000
Not available 0


Where does funding go?

Data in number of projects
Updated on 31/12/2024

Developments in total commitments and payments

What has been allocated and paid over the years?

Year Commitments Payments
2017 21071589.60 42704000.00
2018 377166769.53 215100108.81
2019 415897535.00 279370248.81
2020 423734776.13 286099399.99
2021 534237915.56 293780845.47
2022 609817510.23 320818039.10
2023 665765568.61 408445817.68
2024 679698096.61 485395135.66

Projects completed most recently


Municipalities with most per-capita funding

Comune di Roccafiorita € 98,844
Comune di Serramezzana € 82,613
Comune di Montaguto € 64,334

The entirety of project funding is associated with the municipality, even when a project is located in multiple municipalities. Population numbers are as at 31/12/2022 (source: ISTAT).