2007-2013 programming period Go to list of projects
Code Region Public cost Per capita funding Cohesion funds Payments Cohesion payments Projects
13 ABRUZZO 202771 0 197578 197578 197578 1
17 BASILICATA 2792486 5 582901 582901 582901 3
18 CALABRIA 1464771846 793 1439253823 1417643195 1325082754 764
15 CAMPANIA 2766760492 493 2455394090 2517652963 2129882436 2252
8 EMILIA-ROMAGNA 4660032 1 899825 1525009 899825 6
12 LAZIO 87182056 15 78231650 78724493 75892334 28
7 LIGURIA 7534607 5 1773423 1301051 1773423 3
3 LOMBARDIA 7660295 1 2595107 3938809 2595107 7
1 PIEMONTE 4605551 1 2698451 4806120 2697690 6
16 PUGLIA 1910577762 489 1752129943 1696834750 1528641862 967
20 SARDEGNA 179140 0 168372 1465712 168372 1
19 SICILIA 1915929819 399 1779643775 1703159996 1570695620 832
9 TOSCANA 4889046 1 1150321 2254930 1150321 4
4 TRENTINO-ALTO ADIGE/SUDTIROL 2241126 2 233115 233115 233115 1
10 UMBRIA 607364 1 193500 193500 193500 2
5 VENETO 7243628 1 5736230 5736230 5736230 4
Code Province Public cost Per capita funding Cohesion funds Payments Cohesion payments Projects
84 AGRIGENTO 12264416 30 6954452 11633597 6837433 43
5 ASTI 1401003 7 273787 273787 273787 1
64 AVELLINO 196998931 494 112685968 196531133 105724462 182
72 BARI 185576694 151 157410193 170254010 127205468 196
110 BARLETTA-ANDRIA-TRANI 18733125 49 12455018 24814910 12454215 38
62 BENEVENTO 42788890 163 33482671 48683355 30576860 120
16 BERGAMO 203976 0 203976 803276 203976 1
74 BRINDISI 35966875 95 28612560 30170089 21571237 52
92 CAGLIARI 179140 0 168372 1465712 168372 1
85 CALTANISSETTA 3785527 15 1510291 4132459 1510114 28
61 CASERTA 160506870 177 120841056 171245379 113766188 206
87 CATANIA 242881879 226 204201834 203462794 166901183 138
79 CATANZARO 99176070 290 102615370 92874551 86378619 97
78 COSENZA 107366455 160 88312123 123883986 75938385 198
101 CROTONE 27360732 168 22688601 27938055 22688601 51
4 CUNEO 276090 0 119218 119218 119218 1
86 ENNA 11888748 77 11274476 9734666 9139439 14
38 FERRARA 276090 1 119218 119218 119218 1
48 FIRENZE 4679113 5 615085 2192065 615085 3
71 FOGGIA 128729016 216 119870852 108742144 98491119 68
40 FORLI'-CESENA 276090 1 119218 119218 119218 1
10 GENOVA 7534607 9 1301051 1301051 1301051 3
66 L'AQUILA 202771 1 197578 197578 197578 1
11 LA SPEZIA 3644967 17 472372 472372 472372 1
75 LECCE 195650109 254 166402088 141272063 124765440 135
49 LIVORNO 3644967 11 472372 472372 472372 1
77 MATERA 2792486 15 582901 582901 582901 3
83 MESSINA 104407145 174 95615742 78991842 68144736 86
15 MILANO 6700557 2 2371450 3115852 2371450 5
63 NAPOLI 535531747 180 458965215 495228614 401135612 613
28 PADOVA 1765002 2 1027852 1027852 1027852 3
82 PALERMO 171913801 143 155944493 137256394 124814499 132
34 PARMA 3283289 7 530876 1275278 530876 2
54 PERUGIA 276090 0 119218 119218 119218 1
33 PIACENZA 344891 1 110832 110832 110832 2
50 PISA 209933 1 62864 62864 62864 1
88 RAGUSA 5722858 18 3542768 8624521 3542768 28
39 RAVENNA 755763 2 19681 19681 19681 1
80 REGGIO DI CALABRIA 56675662 109 47891852 56251427 40211852 127
58 ROMA 87182056 21 78231650 78724493 75892334 28
65 SALERNO 165370096 156 125459128 181235831 119812475 357
89 SIRACUSA 56711323 147 30141265 59328469 29890248 32
73 TARANTO 28311011 51 18028336 26498836 16126378 56
55 TERNI 331275 2 74282 74282 74282 1
1 TORINO 2928459 1 2305445 4413115 2304685 4
81 TRAPANI 32040312 79 22486250 32424345 20926351 59
22 TRENTO 2241126 4 233115 233115 233115 1
26 TREVISO 5478626 6 4708378 4708378 4708378 1
12 VARESE 755763 1 19681 19681 19681 1
102 VIBO VALENTIA 12516185 83 8356108 13439896 8356108 12
Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Research and innovation 3244813143
Enterprises' competitiveness 1341617597
Education and training 226560935
Administrative capacity 144489706
Employment and labour 32113628
Networks and digital services 0
Energy 0
Environment 0
Culture and tourism 0
Transport and mobility 0
Social inclusion and health 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 2673410102
Infrastructure 0
Incentives for firms 2312360775
Grants to individuals 3824132
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where does funding go?

Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Research and innovation 2679701898
Enterprises' competitiveness 1181020704
Education and training 231997117
Administrative capacity 144039365
Employment and labour 12979636
Networks and digital services 0
Energy 0
Environment 0
Culture and tourism 0
Transport and mobility 0
Social inclusion and health 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 2486420256
Infrastructure 0
Incentives for firms 1761429184
Grants to individuals 1889280
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where does funding go?

Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Research and innovation 2738336686
Enterprises' competitiveness 1287288460
Education and training 172874068
Administrative capacity 133035450
Employment and labour 31421997
Networks and digital services 0
Energy 0
Environment 0
Culture and tourism 0
Transport and mobility 0
Social inclusion and health 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 1932013548
Infrastructure 0
Incentives for firms 2429054447
Grants to individuals 1888664
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where does funding go?

Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Research and innovation 1990993977
Enterprises' competitiveness 1175275472
Education and training 159266877
Administrative capacity 131799391
Employment and labour 12979636
Networks and digital services 0
Energy 0
Environment 0
Culture and tourism 0
Transport and mobility 0
Social inclusion and health 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 1719545009
Infrastructure 0
Incentives for firms 1748881679
Grants to individuals 1888664
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where does funding go?

Data in number of projects
Updated on 31/12/2024

Developments in total commitments and payments

What has been allocated and paid over the years?

Year Commitments Payments
2002 2420662.95 0
2003 158970314.30 4984619.15
2004 222977596.84 36247820.09
2005 286374532.00 64517171.39
2006 707209233.38 132421868.44
2007 969554664.77 257425186.54
2008 1164616820.36 448960039.74
2009 1456453459.13 898932847.99
2010 1485433802.17 1011489060.79
2011 1644358667.47 1841531833.98
2012 1940758752.16 2150423108.77
2013 2591456344.17 2889291530.93
2014 3823758399.52 3515650614.88
2015 5081641256.71 4152662418.14
2016 5333331317.75 4414002197.00
2017 5260864103.91 4360004933.68
2018 5260864103.91 4362385869.45
2019 5263013079.68 4362956659.67

Projects with most funding

FOGA € 871,500,000

Municipalities with most per-capita funding

Comune di Morra De Sanctis € 29,587
Comune di Faeto € 16,475
Comune di Riardo € 16,067

The entirety of project funding is associated with the municipality, even when a project is located in multiple municipalities. Population numbers are as at 31/12/2022 (source: ISTAT).