2007-2013 programming period Go to list of projects
Code Region Public cost Per capita funding Cohesion funds Payments Cohesion payments Projects
18 CALABRIA 289456937 157 287841720 281052998 279681903 681
15 CAMPANIA 463493997 83 436420070 443296767 429730290 801
16 PUGLIA 406010867 104 391243129 397481434 384340362 588
19 SICILIA 371889372 77 389588117 364805485 382685350 519
Code Province Public cost Per capita funding Cohesion funds Payments Cohesion payments Projects
84 AGRIGENTO 11179161 27 9553837 11179161 9553837 41
64 AVELLINO 24987287 63 24833986 24987287 24833986 120
72 BARI 74014258 60 66269897 73216467 66269897 128
110 BARLETTA-ANDRIA-TRANI 4715627 12 4715627 4715627 4715627 29
62 BENEVENTO 31151356 118 28286301 31151356 28286301 84
74 BRINDISI 8173997 22 8129934 8173997 8129934 16
85 CALTANISSETTA 9113685 37 9113685 9113685 9113685 23
61 CASERTA 39126408 43 38998039 39126408 38998039 99
87 CATANIA 47975583 45 47933788 47975583 47933788 68
79 CATANZARO 22253314 65 21964949 22214874 21964949 119
78 COSENZA 47763561 71 46943851 46451990 45686800 276
101 CROTONE 12846558 79 12706663 12725134 12706663 58
86 ENNA 5425818 35 5425818 5425818 5425818 16
71 FOGGIA 44854858 75 44456681 44480630 44456681 134
75 LECCE 66944978 87 66217378 66871974 66217378 195
83 MESSINA 32103702 53 30558642 31923162 30558642 67
63 NAPOLI 133021875 45 112979319 120029253 113192305 210
82 PALERMO 46056880 38 45421489 46056299 45421489 92
88 RAGUSA 6126495 19 6052231 6126495 6052231 37
80 REGGIO DI CALABRIA 25617618 49 25310523 25587881 25310523 94
65 SALERNO 59399043 56 55537213 59097201 55537213 231
89 SIRACUSA 13607642 35 13499019 13607642 13499018 45
73 TARANTO 11350366 20 5539238 10968723 5539238 27
81 TRAPANI 41668485 103 36519152 41668485 36519152 75
102 VIBO VALENTIA 7549354 50 7509019 7549354 7509019 79
Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


Where does funding go?

Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


Where does funding go?

Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


Where does funding go?

Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


Where does funding go?

Data in number of projects
Updated on 31/12/2024

Developments in total commitments and payments

What has been allocated and paid over the years?

Year Commitments Payments
2004 3488793.23 0
2005 5064655.82 58245.00
2006 7430572.73 58245.00
2007 23316643.96 815559.59
2008 41821176.23 7233203.52
2009 131506053.11 102997583.42
2010 536822457.95 178376933.80
2011 668577151.93 327318672.56
2012 706871326.97 394784686.11
2013 769632521.23 553297321.98
2014 1076208171.39 791233823.46
2015 1175901230.00 1108905113.06
2016 1182387405.81 1194836564.26
2017 1104176723.64 1095774297.26
2018 1104267424.37 1095815467.81

Projects with most funding

CABINE PRIMARIE - CONVENZIONE 13/12/2010 € 35,100,000
CABINE PRIMARIE - CONVENZIONE 13/12/2010 € 30,679,974

Municipalities with most per-capita funding

Comune di Raccuja € 14,014
Comune di Celle di San Vito € 8,233
Comune di Montalbano Elicona € 5,194

The entirety of project funding is associated with the municipality, even when a project is located in multiple municipalities. Population numbers are as at 31/12/2022 (source: ISTAT).