2007-2013 programming period Go to list of projects
Code Region Public cost Per capita funding Cohesion funds Payments Cohesion payments Projects
15 CAMPANIA 78650 0 78650 78650 78650 1
8 EMILIA-ROMAGNA 584923 0 616597 584923 584923 9
12 LAZIO 54854180 10 54887956 54854180 54854180 78
7 LIGURIA 296973 0 297703 296973 296973 9
3 LOMBARDIA 5428270 1 5488465 5416570 5416570 116
1 PIEMONTE 984212239 232 1032042960 965287580 965287580 29671
19 SICILIA 5150 0 5150 5150 5150 1
2 VALLE D'AOSTA/VALLÉE D'AOSTE 30297 0 30297 30297 30297 4
5 VENETO 13328 0 13416 13328 13328 22
Code Province Public cost Per capita funding Cohesion funds Payments Cohesion payments Projects
6 ALESSANDRIA 83327764 205 86256681 81024809 81024809 1938
5 ASTI 36479448 175 38118328 35642629 35642629 1344
62 BENEVENTO 78650 0 78650 78650 78650 1
16 BERGAMO 31540 0 31540 31540 31540 5
96 BIELLA 37067152 219 39600746 35238457 35238457 1793
37 BOLOGNA 394182 0 395514 394182 394182 5
85 CALTANISSETTA 5150 0 5150 5150 5150 1
4 CUNEO 105522789 182 110348066 103895993 103895993 4565
40 FORLI'-CESENA 14223 0 14223 14223 14223 1
10 GENOVA 296463 0 297193 296463 296463 8
97 LECCO 549 0 555 549 549 2
98 LODI 908 0 908 908 908 1
15 MILANO 5392874 2 5453062 5381174 5381174 104
36 MODENA 160 0 280 160 160 1
3 NOVARA 57225527 158 59187939 56091975 56091975 1401
28 PADOVA 13328 0 13416 13328 13328 22
33 PIACENZA 176358 1 206580 176358 176358 2
58 ROMA 54854180 13 54887956 54854180 54854180 78
9 SAVONA 510 0 510 510 510 1
1 TORINO 591978333 269 621317546 582144490 582144490 14749
7 VALLE D'AOSTA 30297 0 30297 30297 30297 4
12 VARESE 2400 0 2400 2400 2400 4
103 VERBANO-CUSIO-OSSOLA 28560687 185 30078115 28304004 28304004 1420
2 VERCELLI 36416847 220 38990318 35604702 35604702 2379
Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


Where does funding go?

Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


Where does funding go?

Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


Where does funding go?

Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2024


Where does funding go?

Data in number of projects
Updated on 31/12/2024

Implementing bodies with most funding

ENAIP € 112,061,954
CNOS-FAP € 71,379,262
CSEA € 38,376,871
ENGIM PIEMONTE € 36,847,958

Developments in total commitments and payments

What has been allocated and paid over the years?

Year Commitments Payments
2007 72357288.46 0
2008 186071824.37 13979358.74
2009 398047433.55 83218754.96
2010 623731881.93 236243855.25
2011 739222088.06 403245551.44
2012 877464552.31 564061028.67
2013 1002190144.28 748144891.94
2014 1087202994.34 913685266.93
2015 1092702470.03 1026766434.56
2016 1093461193.63 1026571575.93
2017 1093461193.63 1026567651.23

Municipalities with most per-capita funding

Comune di Agliano Terme € 1,897
Comune di Valperga € 1,364
Comune di San Benigno Canavese € 819

The entirety of project funding is associated with the municipality, even when a project is located in multiple municipalities. Population numbers are as at 31/12/2022 (source: ISTAT).