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Update undergoing on data at 31/12/2024
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CUP: C79F12000060005
PORDS12BA15 prog a
Public cost: € 49,254.33
Payments: € 49,254.33
- Territory:
- Altamura (BARI)
- Theme:
- Social inclusion and health
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: C79D13000110005
Public cost: € 37,859.35
Payments: € 37,859.35
- Territory:
- Altamura (BARI)
- Theme:
- Social inclusion and health
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: B36G12010940009
PORDS12BA16 prog.b
Public cost: € 37,749.76
Payments: € 37,749.76
- Territory:
- Altamura (BARI)
- Theme:
- Social inclusion and health
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: C79D13000120005
Public cost: € 29,092.90
Payments: € 29,092.90
- Territory:
- Altamura (BARI)
- Theme:
- Social inclusion and health
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: C73D15000470008
Public cost: € 15,000.00
Payments: € 14,437.49
- Territory:
- Altamura (BARI)
- Theme:
- Social inclusion and health
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: C79F12000080005
PORDS12BA17 prog.c
Public cost: € 7,500.00
Payments: € 7,500.00
- Territory:
- Altamura (BARI)
- Theme:
- Social inclusion and health
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: C79D13000130005
Public cost: € 5,764.88
Payments: € 5,764.88
- Territory:
- Altamura (BARI)
- Theme:
- Social inclusion and health
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services