Found 54 projects
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Update undergoing on data at 31/12/2024
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CUP: B69G16000550007
Public cost: € 71,601.60
Payments: € 51,392.45
- Territory:
- Napoli (NAPOLI)
- Theme:
- Education and training
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: B64C22000490001
Public cost: € 67,496.00
Payments: € 61,467.60
- Territory:
- Napoli (NAPOLI)
- Theme:
- Education and training
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: B65C09001610007
Public cost: € 66,771.45
Payments: € 66,771.45
- Territory:
- Napoli (NAPOLI)
- Theme:
- Education and training
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: B65C08002010007
Public cost: € 63,497.41
Payments: € 63,497.41
- Territory:
- Napoli (NAPOLI)
- Theme:
- Education and training
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: B68H19005340007
Gettiamo le basi
Public cost: € 62,023.20
Payments: € 61,662.60
- Territory:
- Napoli (NAPOLI)
- Theme:
- Education and training
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: B67I18069380007
Public cost: € 58,897.00
Payments: € 51,379.00
- Territory:
- Napoli (NAPOLI)
- Theme:
- Education and training
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: B65C07002700007
Public cost: € 56,429.95
Payments: € 56,429.95
- Territory:
- Napoli (NAPOLI)
- Theme:
- Education and training
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: B69G17002500007
Porte aperte al CARO
Public cost: € 55,171.80
Payments: € 51,565.80
- Territory:
- Napoli (NAPOLI)
- Theme:
- Education and training
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: B68H19005750007
Tutti in corsa
Public cost: € 55,171.80
Payments: € 55,171.80
- Territory:
- Napoli (NAPOLI)
- Theme:
- Education and training
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: B67I18069580007
Public cost: € 52,449.00
Payments: € 49,752.00
- Territory:
- Napoli (NAPOLI)
- Theme:
- Education and training
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services