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CUP: G11B08000140001
Public cost: € 3,811,587.81
Payments: € 3,488,749.41
- Territory:
- Locorotondo (BARI)
- Theme:
- Transport and mobility
- Type:
- Infrastructure
CUP: G19J09000050006
Public cost: € 3,412,395.10
Payments: € 2,408,032.35
- Territory:
- Locorotondo (BARI)
- Theme:
- Transport and mobility
- Type:
- Infrastructure
CUP: G14F18001200002
Public cost: € 3,200,000.00
Payments: € 0.00
- Territory:
- Locorotondo (BARI)
- Theme:
- Environment
- Type:
- Infrastructure
CUP: B37D17000330006
Public cost: € 3,153,550.00
Payments: € 1,017,413.21
- Territory:
- Acquaviva delle Fonti (BARI) e altri
- Theme:
- Networks and digital services
- Type:
- Infrastructure
CUP: G11B08000140001
Public cost: € 3,068,308.66
Payments: € 2,987,666.47
- Territory:
- Locorotondo (BARI)
- Theme:
- Transport and mobility
- Type:
- Infrastructure
CUP: G14C09000040006
Sistema dei parcheggi-Parcheggio interrato e riqualificazione arredo urbano P.zza A.Moro LOCOROTONDO
Public cost: € 1,895,000.00
Payments: € 1,100,481.89
- Territory:
- Locorotondo (BARI)
- Theme:
- Transport and mobility
- Type:
- Infrastructure
CUP: G11J20000050005
Public cost: € 1,460,000.00
Payments: € 550.00
- Territory:
- Locorotondo (BARI)
- Theme:
- Social inclusion and health
- Type:
- Infrastructure
CUP: G12F18000120002
Ristrutturazione dell'ex Caserma dei Carabinieri da destinare a centro socio-culturale - Locorotondo
Public cost: € 1,281,763.77
Payments: € 1,281,763.77
- Territory:
- Locorotondo (BARI)
- Theme:
- Social inclusion and health
- Type:
- Infrastructure
CUP: B15J22000160007
Not started
Public cost: € 975,923.50
Payments: € 0.00
- Territory:
- Locorotondo (BARI)
- Theme:
- Enterprises' competitiveness
- Type:
- Incentives for firms
CUP: B35J17000000007
Public cost: € 839,561.24
Payments: € 839,561.24
- Territory:
- Locorotondo (BARI)
- Theme:
- Enterprises' competitiveness
- Type:
- Incentives for firms