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CUP: B22G19000110004
Piccoli progetti
Public cost: € 2,094,352.00
Payments: € 932,868.86
- Territory:
- Silandro - Schlanders (BOLZANO/BOZEN)
- Theme:
- Culture and tourism
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: C39B17000040007
Eco&soft MObility Through Innovative and Optimized network of cross-border Natural and cultural Ways
Public cost: € 1,564,269.30
Payments: € 1,443,204.59
- Territory:
- Theme:
- Culture and tourism
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: B53J16000450004
Public cost: € 1,295,832.37
Payments: € 1,140,823.44
- Territory:
- Theme:
- Culture and tourism
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: J94E16000200002
Torri e castelli
Public cost: € 1,265,142.86
Payments: € 1,626,480.97
- Territory:
- Feltre (BELLUNO)
- Theme:
- Culture and tourism
- Type:
- Infrastructure
CUP: H88C17000100002
Public cost: € 1,258,950.00
Payments: € 1,294,020.83
- Territory:
- Theme:
- Culture and tourism
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: C29J16000260007
Public cost: € 1,021,301.00
Payments: € 1,048,557.53
- Territory:
- Pontebba (UDINE)
- Theme:
- Culture and tourism
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: G95B17000320001
Public cost: € 975,518.27
Payments: € 923,357.86
- Territory:
- Chies d'Alpago (BELLUNO)
- Theme:
- Culture and tourism
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: B69E16000020001
Piccoli progetti
Public cost: € 964,123.00
Payments: € 289,349.90
- Territory:
- Brunico - Bruneck (BOLZANO/BOZEN)
- Theme:
- Culture and tourism
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: D49F19000330007
Public cost: € 934,596.30
Payments: € 916,787.41
- Territory:
- Asiago (VICENZA) e altri
- Theme:
- Culture and tourism
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: B35B19000270009
Public cost: € 932,152.35
Payments: € 815,402.22
- Territory:
- Merano - Meran (BOLZANO/BOZEN) e altri
- Theme:
- Culture and tourism
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services