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CUP: E83J10000250005
Realizzazione condotta sottomarina di scarico reflui di Bisceglie, Corato, Molfetta, Ruvo Terlizzi
Public cost: € 13,000,000.00
Payments: € 0.00
- Territory:
- Molfetta (BARI)
- Theme:
- Environment
- Type:
- Infrastructure
CUP: E11D03000040001
Public cost: € 8,331,448.49
Payments: € 6,812,070.32
- Territory:
- Molfetta (BARI)
- Theme:
- Environment
- Type:
- Infrastructure
CUP: B31B06000400004
Piramide Commerciale Italiana Spa - Consorzio Puglia Prodotti e Servizi - (Completamento 418B050010)
Public cost: € 8,188,125.12
Payments: € 4,094,075.12
- Territory:
- Molfetta (BARI)
- Theme:
- Enterprises' competitiveness
- Type:
- Incentives for firms
CUP: J51E17000170001
Public cost: € 7,496,725.00
Payments: € 3,647,786.09
- Territory:
- Acerra (NAPOLI) e altri
- Theme:
- Transport and mobility
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: B56D19000110004
Public cost: € 5,973,671.00
Payments: € 321,729.74
- Territory:
- Molfetta (BARI)
- Theme:
- Environment
- Type:
- Infrastructure
CUP: B55I22001360007
Public cost: € 5,493,700.00
Payments: € 4,944,330.00
- Territory:
- Molfetta (BARI)
- Theme:
- Research and innovation
- Type:
- Incentives for firms
CUP: E54H06000160001
Completamento delle infrastrutture a sud della S.S. 16 bis nell'agglomerato industriale di Molfetta
Public cost: € 5,000,000.00
Payments: € 3,683,643.00
- Territory:
- Molfetta (BARI)
- Theme:
- Enterprises' competitiveness
- Type:
- Infrastructure
CUP: B55J17000030007
Public cost: € 3,540,867.75
Payments: € 3,186,779.87
- Territory:
- Molfetta (BARI)
- Theme:
- Enterprises' competitiveness
- Type:
- Incentives for firms
CUP: D54H12000020002
Public cost: € 3,292,167.63
Payments: € 1,893,982.59
- Territory:
- Molfetta (BARI)
- Theme:
- Enterprises' competitiveness
- Type:
- Infrastructure
CUP: B37D17000330006
Public cost: € 3,153,550.00
Payments: € 1,017,413.21
- Territory:
- Acquaviva delle Fonti (BARI) e altri
- Theme:
- Networks and digital services
- Type:
- Infrastructure