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CUP: J12G18000020009
Public cost: € 164,783,556.74
Payments: € 11,500,000.00
- Territory:
- Torino (TORINO)
- Theme:
- Enterprises' competitiveness
- Type:
- Capital contributions
CUP: J17B16000210009
Public cost: € 96,853,000.00
Payments: € 71,853,000.00
- Territory:
- Torino (TORINO)
- Theme:
- Enterprises' competitiveness
- Type:
- Capital contributions
CUP: J17B15000530009
Public cost: € 66,000,000.00
Payments: € 40,000,000.00
- Territory:
- Torino (TORINO)
- Theme:
- Enterprises' competitiveness
- Type:
- Capital contributions
CUP: J86J10001590006
Public cost: € 48,935,522.50
Payments: € 48,935,522.50
- Territory:
- Roma (ROMA)
- Theme:
- Employment and labour
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: J12G18000030009
Public cost: € 42,927,974.36
Payments: € 30,000,000.00
- Territory:
- Torino (TORINO)
- Theme:
- Enterprises' competitiveness
- Type:
- Capital contributions
CUP: D12H19000020002
Public cost: € 33,397,753.25
Payments: € 33,397,222.44
- Territory:
- Torino (TORINO)
- Theme:
- Research and innovation
- Type:
- Infrastructure
CUP: J17C09000020009
Public cost: € 19,063,565.10
Payments: € 19,063,565.10
- Territory:
- Torino (TORINO)
- Theme:
- Enterprises' competitiveness
- Type:
- Incentives for firms
CUP: D13J07000150007
(REG_POR-FESR_2009_6542) Museo Nazionale dell'Automobile Carlo Biscaretti di Ruffia in Torino
Public cost: € 19,003,019.86
Payments: € 19,003,019.86
- Territory:
- Torino (TORINO)
- Theme:
- Culture and tourism
- Type:
- Infrastructure
CUP: J13D18000130009
Public cost: € 17,800,000.00
Payments: € 12,500,000.00
- Territory:
- Torino (TORINO)
- Theme:
- Research and innovation
- Type:
- Capital contributions
CUP: B67D16000020006
(A19_2017_PmrPFESRConM) Banda Ultra Larga nelle aree bianche del territorio del Piemonte Fesr
Public cost: € 17,716,896.00
Payments: € 17,716,894.40
- Territory:
- Arizzano (VERBANO-CUSIO-OSSOLA) e altri
- Theme:
- Networks and digital services
- Type:
- Infrastructure