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Update undergoing on data at 31/12/2024
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CUP: D62G19000140006
Public cost: € 87,919.24
Payments: € 87,919.24
- Territory:
- Civezzano (TRENTO)
- Theme:
- Education and training
- Type:
- Infrastructure
CUP: D62D13000080005
Public cost: € 84,549.60
Payments: € 84,549.60
- Territory:
- Civezzano (TRENTO) e altri
- Theme:
- Employment and labour
- Type:
- Grants to individuals
CUP: D62D12000050005
Public cost: € 80,614.80
Payments: € 80,614.80
- Territory:
- Civezzano (TRENTO)
- Theme:
- Employment and labour
- Type:
- Grants to individuals
CUP: D62D09000080005
Public cost: € 80,484.65
Payments: € 80,484.65
- Territory:
- Civezzano (TRENTO) e altri
- Theme:
- Employment and labour
- Type:
- Grants to individuals
CUP: D65G08000120005
Public cost: € 78,236.68
Payments: € 78,236.68
- Territory:
- Civezzano (TRENTO) e altri
- Theme:
- Employment and labour
- Type:
- Grants to individuals
CUP: D62D10000040005
Public cost: € 77,468.21
Payments: € 77,468.21
- Territory:
- Civezzano (TRENTO) e altri
- Theme:
- Employment and labour
- Type:
- Grants to individuals
CUP: D62D11000100005
Public cost: € 75,573.29
Payments: € 75,573.29
- Territory:
- Civezzano (TRENTO)
- Theme:
- Employment and labour
- Type:
- Grants to individuals
CUP: D65G07000020005
Public cost: € 39,505.63
Payments: € 39,505.63
- Territory:
- Civezzano (TRENTO)
- Theme:
- Employment and labour
- Type:
- Grants to individuals
CUP: D62D12000060005
Public cost: € 8,315.73
Payments: € 8,315.73
- Territory:
- Civezzano (TRENTO)
- Theme:
- Employment and labour
- Type:
- Grants to individuals
CUP: D62D13000070005
Public cost: € 8,024.16
Payments: € 8,024.16
- Territory:
- Civezzano (TRENTO) e altri
- Theme:
- Employment and labour
- Type:
- Grants to individuals