Found 19 projects
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Update undergoing on data at 31/12/2024
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CUP: G95C12001210007
Public cost: € 187,774.48
Payments: € 187,774.48
- Territory:
- Caltanissetta (CALTANISSETTA)
- Theme:
- Education and training
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: G99J14000080007
Public cost: € 165,009.00
Payments: € 165,009.00
- Territory:
- Caltanissetta (CALTANISSETTA)
- Theme:
- Education and training
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: G93J12001110007
Public cost: € 149,790.84
Payments: € 149,790.84
- Territory:
- Caltanissetta (CALTANISSETTA)
- Theme:
- Education and training
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: G93J12001120007
Disegnare in 3D (mod.1) /Per l'Arte Scultorea/Per l'Arte Pittorica/Disegnare in 3D (mod.2)
Public cost: € 115,705.86
Payments: € 115,705.86
- Territory:
- Caltanissetta (CALTANISSETTA)
- Theme:
- Education and training
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: G95C12001240007
Public cost: € 93,287.97
Payments: € 93,287.97
- Territory:
- Caltanissetta (CALTANISSETTA)
- Theme:
- Education and training
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: G93D21002160007
Costruire il Futuro
Public cost: € 57,696.00
Payments: € 31,372.20
- Territory:
- Caltanissetta (CALTANISSETTA)
- Theme:
- Education and training
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: G99G20000510007
Uno zaino per il futuro
Public cost: € 53,117.64
Payments: € 52,755.83
- Territory:
- Caltanissetta (CALTANISSETTA)
- Theme:
- Education and training
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: G96G13003060007
Esperienza e Competenza/Studium et Labor
Public cost: € 48,480.56
Payments: € 48,480.56
- Territory:
- Caltanissetta (CALTANISSETTA)
- Theme:
- Education and training
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: G94C17000110007
La nuova scuola
Public cost: € 47,596.20
Payments: € 20,853.60
- Territory:
- Caltanissetta (CALTANISSETTA)
- Theme:
- Education and training
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: G94C17000120007
Trabajo en Espaa
Public cost: € 45,004.50
Payments: € 45,004.50
- Territory:
- Caltanissetta (CALTANISSETTA)
- Theme:
- Education and training
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services