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CUP: C65E19000370001
Public cost: € 304,097,163.92
Payments: € 4,761,088.85
- Territory:
- Napoli (NAPOLI)
- Theme:
- Environment
- Type:
- Infrastructure
CUP: B46G17000140001
Public cost: € 213,692,689.00
Payments: € 0.00
- Territory:
- Caivano (NAPOLI)
- Theme:
- Environment
- Type:
- Infrastructure
CUP: D27H12001840009
Public cost: € 213,122,922.00
Payments: € 0.00
- Territory:
- Catania (CATANIA)
- Theme:
- Environment
- Type:
- Infrastructure
CUP: G18F12000750007
Misterbianco - Completamento depuratore consortile di Misterbianco ed estensione della rete (33395)
Public cost: € 204,967,660.00
Payments: € 0.00
- Territory:
- Belpasso (CATANIA) e altri
- Theme:
- Environment
- Type:
- Infrastructure
CUP: J37B15000490001
Public cost: € 204,400,000.00
Payments: € 78,655,836.00
- Territory:
- Genova (GENOVA)
- Theme:
- Environment
- Type:
- Infrastructure
CUP: B87H12001940006
Public cost: € 199,503,735.62
Payments: € 173,391,407.19
- Territory:
- Pozzuoli (NAPOLI)
- Theme:
- Environment
- Type:
- Infrastructure
CUP: C29J04000010008
Public cost: € 162,840,000.00
Payments: € 0.00
- Territory:
- Sarroch (CAGLIARI)
- Theme:
- Environment
- Type:
- Infrastructure
CUP: C43J12002110009
Public cost: € 133,699,570.00
Payments: € 0.00
- Territory:
- Aci Bonaccorsi (CATANIA) e altri
- Theme:
- Environment
- Type:
- Infrastructure
CUP: D27H12001840009
Public cost: € 120,000,000.00
Payments: € 0.00
- Territory:
- Catania (CATANIA)
- Theme:
- Environment
- Type:
- Infrastructure
CUP: B66D12000110001
Public cost: € 107,500,000.00
Payments: € 401,773.84
- Territory:
- Napoli (NAPOLI)
- Theme:
- Environment
- Type:
- Infrastructure