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CUP: E83C12000000009
Richiesta contributo Dote
Public cost: € 1,000.00
Payments: € 1,000.00
- Territory:
- Mantova (MANTOVA)
- Theme:
- Education and training
- Type:
- Grants to individuals
CUP: D99J22001580002
Public cost: € 19,341.35
Payments: € 18,233.58
- Territory:
- Sesto Fiorentino (FIRENZE)
- Theme:
- Research and innovation
- Type:
- Incentives for firms
CUP: F26J16000310007
Public cost: € 22,000.00
Payments: € 19,893.82
- Territory:
- Misterbianco (CATANIA)
- Theme:
- Networks and digital services
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: E83J12000140009
Richiesta contributo Dote
Public cost: € 4,486.36
Payments: € 4,486.36
- Territory:
- Samarate (VARESE)
- Theme:
- Education and training
- Type:
- Grants to individuals
CUP: F66J20000670007
Smart class
Public cost: € 10,000.00
Payments: € 9,943.69
- Territory:
- Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (MESSINA)
- Theme:
- Networks and digital services
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: F49G20000340007
Una scuola per tutti
Public cost: € 10,000.00
Payments: € 8,807.79
- Territory:
- Patti (MESSINA)
- Theme:
- Networks and digital services
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: C46J20000820007
Politi 2.0
Public cost: € 10,000.00
Payments: € 9,484.14
- Territory:
- Agrigento (AGRIGENTO)
- Theme:
- Networks and digital services
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: H98H18000630007
Cresciamo insieme
Public cost: € 21,636.00
Payments: € 6,851.40
- Territory:
- Canicattini Bagni (SIRACUSA)
- Theme:
- Education and training
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: E83J12000140009
Richiesta contributo Dote
Public cost: € 4,500.00
Payments: € 4,500.00
- Territory:
- Brescia (BRESCIA)
- Theme:
- Education and training
- Type:
- Grants to individuals
CUP: E86J20000960007
Smart School
Public cost: € 10,000.00
Payments: € 9,899.57
- Territory:
- Partinico (PALERMO)
- Theme:
- Networks and digital services
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services