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CUP: E87B15000630009
Public cost: € 66.00
Payments: € 66.00
- Territory:
- Darfo Boario Terme (BRESCIA)
- Theme:
- Employment and labour
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: E87B15000630009
Dote Unica Lavoro - 599579
Public cost: € 66.00
Payments: € 66.00
- Territory:
- Darfo Boario Terme (BRESCIA)
- Theme:
- Employment and labour
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: E87B15000630009
Dote Unica Lavoro - 607501
Public cost: € 66.00
Payments: € 66.00
- Territory:
- Darfo Boario Terme (BRESCIA)
- Theme:
- Employment and labour
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: E87B15000630009
Public cost: € 66.00
Payments: € 66.00
- Territory:
- Darfo Boario Terme (BRESCIA)
- Theme:
- Employment and labour
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: E85B18000910009
Dote Unica Lavoro_897378
Public cost: € 66.00
Payments: € 66.00
- Territory:
- Darfo Boario Terme (BRESCIA)
- Theme:
- Employment and labour
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: E87B15000630009
Dote Unica Lavoro - 710367
Public cost: € 66.00
Payments: € 66.00
- Territory:
- Darfo Boario Terme (BRESCIA)
- Theme:
- Employment and labour
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: E87B15000630009
Dote Unica Lavoro - 704430
Public cost: € 66.00
Payments: € 66.00
- Territory:
- Darfo Boario Terme (BRESCIA)
- Theme:
- Employment and labour
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: E87B15000630009
Dote Unica Lavoro - 705454
Public cost: € 66.00
Payments: € 66.00
- Territory:
- Darfo Boario Terme (BRESCIA)
- Theme:
- Employment and labour
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: E87B15000630009
Dote Unica Lavoro_961007
Public cost: € 66.00
Payments: € 66.00
- Territory:
- Darfo Boario Terme (BRESCIA)
- Theme:
- Employment and labour
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services
CUP: E87B15000630009
Public cost: € 66.00
Payments: € 66.00
- Territory:
- Darfo Boario Terme (BRESCIA)
- Theme:
- Employment and labour
- Type:
- Procurement of goods and services