The 7 regional maritime territories focused by BLUE_BOOST PJT (Zadar county§; Marche, F.V.G. and Apulia regions§; Western Greece and Central Macedonia regions§; coastal areas of Durres, Vlora, Saranda and Shengjin in Albania) are branded by the presence of maritime (from mature/growing to emerging/just aspired) clusters with high heterogeneity of activities, tangible gap in communication and interaction among their 4 strands and poor attitude to interclustering, espec. at trans-sectoral level. Thus, our proposal aims at unlocking and boosting the potential of knowledge/technology transfer, transnational and cross-sectoral cooperation of key innovation actors of traditional (primarily fisheries and ship-building) and emerging (primarily Blue technologies-including aquaculture- green shipbuilding, robotics and new materials) Blue Growth sectors by reinforcing the relationships and interactions within and among their clusters according to an open source,knowledge sharing&community based approach. The main change sought is to improve the basic conditions for bridging the gap between the 3 helixes of the focused maritime clusters between research/SMEs, users/SMEs, etc. thanks to the collaboration with the NEW INNOVATION AGENTS such as fablabs, co-working spaces, makerspaces, innovat