Action Plan for Cohesion

During 2011, in agreement with the European Commission, an action was launched with the aim to foster the implementation of the programmes co-financed by the 2007-2013 Structural Funds. It consisted in the preparation of an Action Plan for Cohesion, sent in its first version on 15th November 2011 to the European Commission. The Action Plan for Cohesion is implemented through a review of the investment choices already made with the aims of:

  • fostering the implementation of the 2007-2013 programming;

  • strengthening the effectiveness of interventions by orienting them to measurable results and concentrating resources;

  • launching new actions, also of pilot-action nature, to be capitalized in the 2014-2020 programming.


The Action Plan for Cohesion (PAC) has committed the central and local administrations to undertake the relaunch of the seriously delayed programmes, guaranteeing a strong concentration of resources on a few priorities. The PAC was defined in different phases, which - as highlighted in the infographic - saw between 2012 and 2015 a reprogramming of the Programmes co-financed by the Structural Funds 2007-2013 that have been invested with the reduction of the national co-financing resources of the Italian National Co-financing Fund. PAC underwent some further reallocations defined in accordance with the following law: Legislative Decree 76/2013 and Law n. 190/2014 (art1, commas 118, 122 and 123).

The programming is composed of Programmes managed by central administrations and 13 by regional administrations.

 On OpenCoesione it is possible to monitor the progress of the projects funded by the Action Plan for Cohesion (PAC) which are included in the unitary monitoring system by the administrations in charge of the interventions, through the navigation menu of the Programmes.

PAC 2007-2013 Phase 1 (in Italian only)

PAC 2007-2013 Phase 2 (in Italian only)

PAC 2007-2013 Phase 3 (in Italian only)