The overall aim of the project is to develop, transfer and disseminate a Common Governance Model for archaeological parks enhancing the preservation and valorisation of archaeological heritage within the Adrion area. Specific objectives are to: 1. Elaborate a governance model for sustainable preservation and valorisation of archaeological parks§; 2 Identify economic sustainable activities that archaeological parks can generate (e.g. new tourist routes)§; 3. Develop and apply innovative ICT-based tools (e.g. augmented reality) in order to enhance the fruition of archaeological heritage and broaden its audiences. TRANSFER tackles the current lack of a model for valorizing and exploiting archaeological heritage integrated into wider local territorial development planning, going beyond the approach which mainly focuses on a mere conservation of archaeological heritage. Project outputs will be: a Common Sustainable Governance Model for archaeological parks§; 6 Management Plans based on the Sustainable Governance Model§; 6 Joint pilot actions, during which the Plans will be jointly tested, revised if necessary and finally adopted (one for each test area)§; a set of economic services and products and a set of ICT solutions aimed at valorizing the Archaeological heri