ASOC: regional and interregional rankings & admissibility list to Phase 2 of Evaluation are published


The ninth edition of At the School of OpenCohesion (ASOC), the civic monitoring project of OpenCoesione addressed at high schools is reaching its final phase. The teams that have completed the educational path on time are more than 70% of the 213 classes admitted to participate, corresponding to 145 educational institutions.

On 9th May, on the occasion of the Europe day, ASOC publishes the regional and interregional ranking lists set up as a result of the Phase 1 of the evaluation of civic monitoring research carried out by students, evaluations carried out based on 7 criteria (Research design, Data journalism, Data visualization, Project Monitoring, Research description, Solutions and proposals, Graphics and creativity).

The first Team in the ranking list won the participation in the online institutional dialogues "ASOC Talk", which will be held next autumn. The ranking list also indicates the Teams admitted to Phase 2 based on the gathered score and the variable number of finalists based on the criteria defined starting from the classes admitted to participate in the project and with respect to the number of participants at the regional level, as well as reported in the project Vademecum 2021-2022.

With the conclusion of Phase 1, the designated Commission will evaluate the 26 finalist Teams. The evaluation criteria correspond to a set of items and outputs produced during the school year. According to the regulation, the 4 most committed Teams will have the opportunity to meet and present their civic monitoring research as part of the Final Awards Event, scheduled for next Monday 6 June 2022 starting at 10.00.

Read more in the dedicated news of the At the School of OpenCohesion